MAPLE V5 Chaos Worksheets

These chaos files were downloaded 1-feb-2000 from Ken Monk's software site:

They need the chaos package: [local copy]

Once the file chaos.m is successfully created:

it simply has to be read into a MAPLE worksheet with the read command with its exact subdirectory address in the syntax to be found in the local loading subsection of the help worksheet:

There are also help files for the Table command used by chaos:

If one can follow his instructions and make it work, all this can be loaded into MAPLE's library and work as help should, but I was unsuccessful, so we have to be content with opening the help worksheet and executing its help section line by line to see how all the commands are used. With the sophistocated graphics the fully executed worksheet is over 3 MEG, but unexecuted is rather small.

To use this package, one just needs to load the chaos.m file and the chaos help worksheet and take examples from the latter file and edit them for your own use. I had trouble with three lines in the help examples but got them working. Then Ken fixed things a bit and it went better. Will  update this later.


A nice MAPLE site for "fractals", a closely related topic, is: