From Ken Monks Home Page Software Chaos subdirectory:

Chaos and Fractals Maple Software

I have written a collection of  Maple routines for studying chaotic discrete dynamical systems, and fractal geometry. I originally created this sheet for use in an undergraduate course on chaos and fractals which I developed and taught at the University of Scranton. You may use it freely as long as you give credit to the original author and indicate clearly any modifications you make to the document. I do not make any claims as to the accuracy or robustness of any of these routines, so you are on your own. Suggestions for improvement are always welcome.

    Download the program

    Installation instructions (for WIN95)

If you are in a computer lab you can use the above Maple worksheets directly in Maple. But if you have your own computer with Maple on it, it is better if you install them as part of your own user library. To accomplish this do the following: 

                Creating a Personal User Library in Maple

  1. Make a directory, for example:

    to store your user library.
  2. Use march (a dos program in the Maple win95 bin directory) to create a personal Maple library for you in that directory. For example:
    march -c c:\Maple\MyLib 100

    would be the command to use for our example directory above.
  3. Add that directory to the path variables in your maple.ini file (which should be located in your Maple /lib subdirectory, if not, create one there) by adding the following lines:


    (substituting your directory name in the obvious places).

Note that this only has to be done once.  This will create a Maple library that you can save your own Maple routines to.

    Installing the Chaos library

  1. Load the Chaos Version 2.00 worksheet (above) into Maple and choose Edit/Execute/Worksheet from the Maple menu. This will save the chaos library to your personal Maple library.
  2. Load the Chaos Help worksheet (above) into Maple and choose Help/Save to database... from the menu.
  3. In the TOPIC input box type "chaos" (all lower case, don't type the quotes ").  Then click the SAVE CURRENT button.  This will save the chaos help file to the help database.

    Using the Chaos library

  1. After completing the installation above, you will no longer require either of the two original worksheets that you downloaded above.
  2. To use the chaos library, simply type


    at any Maple prompt and voila!! all the chaos commands are loaded and available.
  3. To obtain help on the chaos program commands, simple type:


    at any Maple prompt.