These hand written lecture notes have been scanned using the mobile phone app
Adobe Scan. The textbook is Edwards,
Penney, Calvis DEs and LinAlg (4th edition) and its section numbers name the lecture files. Supplementary details from PDF notes and
Maple worksheets are found at the homework log page.
These notes were written of Zoom delivered classes during the pandemic and
only should be taken as a guide to the key ideas of each section
which should not subsitute for reading the textbook. Current classes will have
some overlap with similar examples but more interactivity in the classroom.
- 1-1a-odecheck.pdf DEs:
Differential Equations: how to state
them and "check" a solution
- 1-1b-DEs-Inits.pdf DEs:
Differential Equations: initial
- 1-2-intDE.pdf First order DEs independent of the unknown:
Integration = solving DE
- 1-3-dirfields.pdf Direction fields for first order DEs
and complications
- 1-4a-sepDEs.pdf Separable first order DEs
- 1-4b-exps.pdf
Exponential behavior
- 1-5a-linear1DEs.pdf
Linear 1st order DEs
1-5b-linear1DEs-complications.pdf Linear 1st order DEs:
1-5c-linear1DEs-mixing.pdf mixing tank problems
- 2-1a-logistic.pdf
Logistic Equation
- 2-1b-popmodels.pdf Population models
- 2-3-accmodels.pdf acceleration
- 2-4-euler.pdf Euler's method for numerical approximation of
3-1-linsyseliminationDEs.pdf linear system elimination, high school
style, linear IVPs produce linear systems to solve
3-2-matrixrowreduction.pdf matrix row reduction to solve linear
systems by elimination
- 3-3-rowreductionsoln.pdf
Row reduction solution of linear systems
- 3-3b-chemlinalg.pdf
balancing chemical reactions
- 3-4-matrices.pdf matrix
- 3-5-matrixinverse.pdf
matrix inverses
- 3-6-determinants.pdf
matrix determinants
- 4-1-linind.pdf
the vector spaces R^n and linear independence
- 4-2-vectorspaces.pdf
vector spaces and subspaces
- 4-3-span.pdf
span etc
- 4-7-bases.pdf
functions as "vectors"
- 4-7-functionvectors.pdf
functions as "vectors"
- 5-1a-2ndorderlinear-intro.pdf
2nd order linear DEs: an intro
- 5-1b-2ndorderCCLHDEs.pdf
2nd order CCLH DEs
- 5-2-wronskians.pdf
Wronskians and linear DEs
- 5-3-0-complexstuff.pdf complex
arithmetic and complex exponentials
- 5-3a-higherorderDEs.pdf
higher order linear DEs and complex exponentials
5-3b-higherorderDEs-multiplicity.pdf higher order linear DEs and
- 5-3c-sinusoidals.pdf sinusoidal
and decaying sinusoidal functions
5-4-dampedharmonicoscillators.pdf damped harmonic oscillators
- 5-6-ddho.pdf driven
damped harmonic oscillators
5-6b-ddho-specialcases.pdf driven damped harmonic oscillators:
special cases
- 6-0-eigen2x2.pdf
eigenvectors and eigenvalues for 2x2 matrices
- 6-1a-eigenvectors.pdf
eigenvectors and eigenvalues
- 6-1b-eigenvectors-more.pdf
eigenvectors and eigenvalues: more (linear independence, complex
- 6-2-diagonalization.pdf
- 6-2b-diaggeometry.pdf
diagonalization geometry in the plane
- 7-3a-1storderDE-realeigen.pdf
1st order linear homogeneous DEs:
real eigenvalues
7-3b-1storderDE-complexeigen.pdf 1st order linear homogeneous DEs:
complex eigenvalues
- 7-3c-nonhom1storderDE.pdf
nonhomogeneous 1st order linear homogeneous DEs, and extending eigevalue
- 7-3d-mixingtanks.pdf mixing
tank problems
7-5a-massspringsystems.pdf mass spring systems
7-5c-2axels.pdf mass spring systems
- 7-5c.pdf damped coupled harmonic oscillator
7-5c-2axels.pdf mass spring systems
7-5d-damping.pdf mass spring systems
- 7-5e-resonance.pdf resonance