Occasionally handouts will attempt clarification of some point to aid in your learning.
A log of these will be kept here, with links to pdf scanned copies of
handwritten handouts for your convenience. Most will only be on-line handouts,
which makes the term "handouts" a bit questionable. The current list may be
updated during the semester.
You are responsible for all asking bob for all paper handouts you missed
receiving due to class absences, or you must print these scans to
substitute them.
- welcome email
- class syllabus
- rules of algebra;
rules of differentiation;
diff/int formula shortlist paper handout: [print
alg/diff/int on 2 sheets]
- differentiation versus integration: notation and
associated pictures
- plotting a function with parameters
[see above item 2]
- "u substitution"
- 1-D probability distributions
changing variables in an integral [maple]
- regions of the plane: relationships between
variables [areas, volumes of revolution].
- integral test via diagrams
- series summary
- parametrized curves
polar coords
later maybe:
- taylor series: highway curvature [maple]
- Ignore this: Stewart selected examples in MAPLE [optional][guest
lectures 14S for areas, arclengths in polar coordinates]
21-aug-2022 [course