MAT1500 04F homework and daily class log
Your homework will appear here each day as it is assigned, with occasional links to
some MAPLE worksheets when helpful to illustrate some points where technology can be
useful. [There are 56 days in the semester, numbered consecutively below and labeled
by the (first initial of the) day of the week.] Usually it will be summarized on the white board in class, but if
not, it is your responsibility to check it here. You are responsible for any hyperlinked
material here as well as requesting any handouts
or returned tests or quizzes from classes you missed.
Textbook technology: Red numbered homework problems have hints on
your red TEC CD that comes inside your textbook [open the index.html file with
internet explorer, go to homework hints in the Main Menu; if you like to play
games, try the appropriate math modules when relevant to a section]. The
green Video Skillbuilder CD has detailed video discussed examples from each
section of the book as well as a video introduction by the author [click on the
Start.html file to get the Main Menu]. There are also tutorials and on-line
quizzes and web extras at the
textbook website.
August 25.
By Friday August 27, e-mail me [] from your
OFFICIAL Villanova e-mail account (which identifies you with your full name) with the
EXACT (case-sensitive) subject heading "[MAT1500-XX]", where XX is your section number
04 or 06, telling about your last math courses, your comfort level
with graphing calculators and computers and math itself, how much experience
you have with any other math software so far, why you chose your major, etc.
Tell me
generally what precalculus or calculus topics you covered last year.
[Not following these instructions will be my first indication of your
attention to detail.]
In class: log on to your machine with your standard VU email username and
password and open Internet Explorer.
Login to the Villanova home page (click
on the upper right "login" icon and use your standard VU email username and
password; edit the lower right link list to add citrixweb:
and Mat1500 home: ) .
Then check out our My Classrooms classroom site linked to
your list of courses at the center of the web page, and visit the link to
our course homepage from it
[ ],
and read the on-line links describing aspects of the course
(no need yet to look at the
MAPLE command worksheet or examples or tutorial).
Then click on the yellow VUTree Applications icon on the desktop (to access our math software MAPLE9.5
through VUTree, Academic Applications, Math&Statistics, Maple9.5).
bob will
quickly show you the computer environment.
Homework: Explore the 2 CDs that come with your textbook.
Explore the on-line resources.
Think about paper handout on algebra. Read
page 0 [To the Student] of your textbook.
If you are motivated, read section 0: "A Preview of Calculus" in your
Fill out your paper
schedule form (get a copy in class or print it out earlier)
to return in class Thursday.
- Th: Different time for Thursday classes; ;
think about paper handouts
on understanding functions and functional relationships;
In class: 1.1: 52; normal first class postage
[usps]; HW:
1.1: 1, 3, 5, 11, 17, 20,
21, 27, 35,
39, 41, 51, 55, 61.
- F: 1.2: 1, 3,
4; 7, 9, 11; 13, 14;
optional: 17 (here is example 2 as a template: xls, g-calculator,
Maple can be accessed anywhere via the web using citrixweb, see the
Maple FAQ link;
see if you can set up the citrix client on your computer (if not already
there) and enter to open Maple this weekend. If you are curious, do sections
1-4 and 11 of the New Users Tour accessible from the Maple Help menu.
- M: 1.3: 1, 3, 7,
11, 15, 25, 29, 31, 39,
43, 45, 51, 54f, 55e, 57, 59.
- W: Bring CalcLab books for in class Maple Introduction [note Basic Command
List on pages x-xiii]
With your nearest neighbor partner, read text and type in (share typing
somehow) all inputs and reflect on what you see for Chapter 1: Sections 0-4
and Chapter 2: Sections 0-4 (skip 3D plotting);
after class finish on your own and read 1.5 and 2.5 also, then try problems
1.6: 8, 10, 11 and 2.6: 13, 14, 15;
in any case after class try the
citrixweb on your own (home/laptop) computer to open Maple and then
download this file: MAPLE
command list for1500 to a C:\ drive folder and open it and do "EditMenu/Execute/Worksheet"
to it and just scroll through the example file quickly to be aware that it is
there for you to consult when you need to in the future;
course syllabus handout.
- Th: 1.5:
1, 3*,5* [See
instructions. Hint:
Either use the symbol palette for entering "ex" since "e^x" is not the
exponential function in MAPLE or use MAPLE notation: "e" is "exp(1)" in MAPLE,
"ex" is "exp(x)"; use color option to distinguish
graphs, say: red, green, blue, black; begin your maple1.mws
worksheet with the template file; answer the textbook
problem question in text mode after each graph],
11, 15, 17
[Hint: write two equations corresponding to two conditions that the two data
points lie on the graph of the
function, solve for the two unknown parameters a and C], 19
(use rules of exponents and factor), 25.
Useful MAPLE plotting commands:
> plot(f(x),x=-10..10);
> plot(f(x),x=-10..10,y=-10..10);
> plot([f(x),g(x)],x=-10..10, color=[red,blue]);
> fsolve(f(x)=g(x),x=0..1);
use plot before fsolve to know where to look for solutions. Always check your
expression in pretty math mode first (toggle with the x icon on the lower tool
bar) before plotting it to know that it is what you intended and not something
- F: Quiz1thru 1.3;
Happy Labor Day weekend; Tuesday when you return to normal:
read 1.4, then execute and scroll through the selected examples in the Maple
1.4; then do 1, 3, 7, 15, 23,
31 [not to be collected; do this to your own satisfaction, ask questions in
class if you have any difficulties, you may use a graphing calculator but it
is good practice to try with MAPLE];
for 31 the sequence command is useful as in this example:
> f := x -> x^2-c*x;
> seq(f(x),c=[-2,-1,0,1,2]);
> plot([%], x = -2..2);
MAPLE's default sequence of colors is red,
green, yellow,
blue, purple,
cyan and then repeats, but you can also use the
color option (see day 6) to choose your own color sequence, and the option
thickness = 2 can help see the colors better.
- W: Back to reality; quiz 1 answer key;
partnering data handout, find a partner for Maple HW;
chapter 1 worksheet due M-F next week;
read instructions carefully please;
1.6 thru p.71 (no trig): 3, 5, 9, 11,
13; 15; 19 [Hint:
you cannot invert this function, so think...what value of x can you insert into g
to get an output of 4?], 21,
24 [Hint: set equal to y,
multiply thru by denominator, then solve for x], 27; 35, 40, 43* [ base a log:
log[a](x), natural log: ln(x) in pallette;
put answer to problem instruction question in MAPLE worksheet as a comment],
47, 51;
handout on "the
only base you really need: e".
- Th: STVD class shift: 1:30->11:30, 2:30->12:30;
1.6 (trig): 59, 63, 67 (exact not numeric!), 69, 71, 73*
[same instructions as before, use option "scaling=constrained" in
plot command to make units same on both axes, use a square viewing window:
> plot([...],x=-Pi/2,..Pi/2,scaling=constrained);
Why are the horizontal and vertical ranges automatically the same here...?];
which range of angles does your graphing calculator choose for arccsc and
arcsec? can it even plot these? does it even
have these functions defined?;
trig/arctrig handouts
(ignore derivative comments for now); note textbook appendix D review of trigonometry.
- F: Quiz 2 thru the nontrig part of 1.6;
handout on
inverse function solving process;
in class problem solving (after class homework) 1.R (Review): 5, 10(move
3 key points at grid intersections, interpolate roughly), 18, 22, 25, 26, 28a(maple:
plot [P(t),900],click on crossing point),b,c; 1.6: 45, 52b (hint: first
get x in one place using identities).
Weeks 3 and 4: come by and find me in my office, tell me how things are
This is a required visit. and maple1.mws due next week M-F.
- M: 2.1: [table data] 1, 3, 5;
optional: 9.
> seq(g(x), x=[1.5,1.1,1.01,1.001]); to evaluate an expression g(x)
for a sequence of multiple inputs (always use decimal point values like 1.0 to
force floating point evaluation but if the expression g(x) involves
π you must use evalf to force it to approximate
that as well
> evalf(%);
- W: unless you are going to do several
activities with an expression, there is no point to introducing
a name for a Maple expression: > f:=log[1.5](x); or a Maple function >
f:=x->log[1.5](x); so that one can then put respectively "f" or "f(x)" into
another command like a plot instead of the expression itself. Each of the
multiple function plots in this first assignment could be done with a single
plot command; chapter 2 Maple problems will be in maple2.mws;
2.2: 1, 3, 5, 9, 10 ("explain" means in nonmathematical terms in the
context of the word problem); 11* [remember: exp(1/x) in MAPLE,
answer question with text comment, check with limit
command]; 13, 15 [Maple seq command makes
this easy]; 23,
25, 31; 35 [Maple seq command makes this easy];
> limit(f(x),x=0);
> limit(f(x),x=0,right);
- Th: 2.3: 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 23, 25, 35,
45, 47, 49 [fun remark: compare the graph of f(x)
= [[x]] with the postage function Fig 22 in section 1.1; apart from the
number values involved, notice the open and closed circles are reversed, which
can be accomplished with two reflections equivalent to a reflection through
the origin: g(x) = -f(-x), which is a way to build a mathematical formula for
the postage function, which uses the least
integer function instead of the greatest integer function], 52 [recall
- F: Q3 thru 2.2; try the first maple2.mws problem this weekend;
2.2: 21 try the maple command "factor" on the numerator and denominator
separately and see what common factors they have; once you cancel them, does
the remaining quotient have problems at x = 1? what is the exact limit
therefore? confirm with the "limit" command;
2.3: 44 and 45 use the maple "limit" command (|x| = abs(x) in Maple); then
reason through each limit to understand why you get these results, and confirm
with a plot;
2.3: 38 (what are the max and min values the product can take at a given x
2.3: 58 what is the domain of this function? what does the "limit" command
give for x = -2? what limit or limits describe the behavior of the function at
the edge of its domain?
- M: remember 5 minute office visit this week;
Test 1 Wednesday Sep 29, Thurs Sep 30, Friday Oct 1? which date preferable?;
2.5: 1, 3, 5,
7, 9; 11, 13;
17, 19, 21, 33, 39, 40, 41, 47, 51* [follow this MAPLE example],
optional fun
problem 63 (make a typical graph of s versus t for each trip, consider the
difference function graph);
- W: 2.3: 34* [comment on your choice of functions f, g, h and what
your graph suggests is the correct limit; check with limit command];
2.6 (omit subsection on precise definitions): 1, 2, 3, 5,
9, 11, 13, 17, 21, 31, 35c (multiply by
conjugate technique), 37, 39, 43, 47, 49, 55a;
35* [do an appropriate plot for part a) and plot your guess as a
constant function together with the function to compare in an appropriately wide enough
window to see the squeezing together, then use the seq command (day 11) to get your floating point
values for part b), then use the limit command to evaluate the limit exactly for part c)],
55b* [graph appropriately (plot the terminal
velocity and the 99% terminal velocity value lines together with the function), then use fsolve
to find the desired time, make sure this time is in your graphing window,
adjust if necessary];
> Limit(f(x),x=-infinity);
> value(%);
Fall Equinox (Solstice) today! [Stewart Figure 9 on page 61] (more
> plot([(x^2-1)/(x^2+1),1],x=-50..50,-4..4);
- Th: 2.6: 23, 29, 33; look at Maple HW so far;
in class 54b, plot with its limiting value
as a constant function in Maple, how long does it take for the concentration
to get within 1 percent of its limiting value? (how many days is this?);
now try the Maple HW problem:
55b, repeat plot, how long and how many characteristic times (1/9.8 s) does it
take for the value to get within 1 percent of the limiting value? half a
- F: Quiz 4 thru 1.6;
2.7: 1, 3, 5a,b, 9, 11, 15,
17, 23, 24;
5c* [plot two expressions together, then zoom in,
make comment about whether it looks right or not];
- M: handout on ratio limits and arithmetic with infinity;
2.8: 1, 3, 5, 7, 11* [a) use seq
command to numerically "evaluate'' the derivative limit, b) zoom in on graph using
boxed axes (click on the plot and then on the boxed axes icon on toolbar) to
read off rise and run within box to estimate slope, evaluate quotient in
worksheet not with a calculator], 13, 15, 19, 21,
23, 29, 31.
T: MLRC 5:30: test 1 problem session
- W: (for Friday): catch up on Maple2.mws homework;
in class problems 2.4: 1-40 (exclude 27-30) cover sections 1-7 (good review to understand them all).
- Th: Test 1 thru 2.7; read test rules
before coming to class.
- F: T: 2.9: 1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11,
13; 27;
MAPLE function derivatives (CalcLabs sections 4.2,4.3 have more details):
> f : = x-> (x^2+x)/(x^3-1);
> f(x);
> D(f)(x);
> plot([f(x),D(f)(x)],x=a..b,color=[red,blue]);
an evaluated MAPLE function is just a MAPLE expression, so you can also
use the diff command:
> diff(f(x),x);
in either case, as in hand calculations, after applying rules of
differentiation one must usually simplify the result:
> simplify(%);
> D(f)(2); easy to evaluate derivative
of a Maple function
> subs(x=2, diff(f(x),x) ); awkward to evaluate
derivative of a Maple expression
- M: reflect on Test 1; try to do it again carefully for HW
[if anyone wants to go over their test with me problem by problem, stop by].
- W: Test 1 returned with answer key; maple2.mws due the week after break
For Friday: 2.9: 27, 33a, 35 [Hint: at endpoints use the one sided
secant line slope, at interior points the average of adjacent secant line slopes (no
technology needed, can be done by hand! since numbers so simple)],
37 [reasons = what goes wrong with the limit], 45 [Hint: f(x)= sgn(x) x^2.];
CalcLabs 4.7: 1a*, 2*; maple2.mws
due the week after break; don't wait
till the last minute, follow instructions. 3 people still have not come to
my required 5 minute office visit.
- Th: Test 1b, shorter version of Test 1.
- F: Where to sit at the movies in class project;
Fall Break. Enjoy.

- M: Test 1B back with answer key: contemplate;
3.1: 3-31 odd (before attempting differentiation: multiply out, divide thru,
convert to power notation, evaluate powers), 37*,
39, 45,
> with (Student[Calculus1]);
> DiffTutor(x*(1-x)^2); [put your
expression in parentheses here]
- W: 3.2: 1, 5, 7, 15, 17, 21, 23,
31, 33, 35, 38a [use
f '(x) for the derivative of f(x)], 39, read 43a.
- Th: 3.3 (read examples 1, 7): 3, 7,
19, 21[it helps to make a
rough diagram of V versus P], 27;
3.2: 38d [do two ways: dividing thru first without quotient rule but combining fractions
in final result, then with quotient rule, compare].
- F: maple2.mws due by
[if your maple sections don't close up containing their contents, it will not
be accepted]; homework for Wednesday:
3.4: 1, 3, 5, 9,
19, 21, 25a,
29, 31, 37 [Hint:
express tan as sin/cos, then introduce factor 1 = 3*(2t/6t) and associate
factors in parentheses with sin ratios],
43 [divide top and bottom by theta,
express tan as sin/cos]; recall
trig handout and appendix D trig review.
- M: Quiz 5 thru 3.3;
complete maple2.mws reading the on-line instructions for each problem and
adding brief comments that put each problem in context and respond to any
questions raised in the book statement.
- W: 3.4: 32a (by hand),
32* [define s to be a Maple function S of t, then plot [S(t),D(S)(t)]
for t = 0..2*Pi, answer questions c,d,e in maple comments, remember
equilibrium position means s = 0, speed is absolute value of
33 (make a diagram), 34a,b [W is a constant too]
34c*[define a MAPLE function F
using 3/5 as the coefficient instead of 0.6 to keep exact arithmetic, then after clicking on the
graph to determine the value of theta, use fsolve to find it to high
precision, and then use solve to find it exactly, and give its numerical
approximation with evalf, be sure to comment a response to the question
3.5: 1, 5, 7, 11
[rewrite rule first, negative power], 15, 17, 23,
- Th: email solution of 3.3.27;
3.5: 29, 37, 38,
47a,b [rewrite rule first, negative power, check
with a plot of y and dy/dx],
51 [sin(x)^2 not sin(x^2)!], 55a,
57a,c, 59, 63, 68
[remember p.41, March 21: t = 80, ans: 2min 54sec; May 2: t = 141, ans: 1min
24sec, convert to minutes and seconds for comparison with watches!],
69*[Make a Maple function S to represent s in terms of t,
then plot [S(t),D(S)(t)], and
then make
some comments about features of the graph of s reflected in the graph
of s'], 74* [first define f as a
MAPLE function; for part a, use the simplify command, after which one can
solve part b exactly (in terms of fourth roots), even by hand; answer the
questions of the book with MAPLE comments].
- F: catch up on chapter 3 maple problems if you can this
3.6: 1, 7, 15, 23, 25(can check by
plotting with tangent line),
27* [display plot with tan
line], 37, 57, 63;
Bring arctrig review sheet handout with you
next class;
> with(plots):
> implicitplot(x^2-x*y+y^2=3,x=-10..10,y=-10..10);
> implicitdiff(x^2-x*y+y^2=3,y,x);
- M: 3.6: 41, 43, 45, 49, 54a [see
64 [continues 63, normal line has negative
reciprocal slope of tan line: write eqn for normal line and solve pair of
equations for normal line and ellipse to find their intersection, choose other
solution on opposite side of ellipse from the point you started with];
[[optional challenge for those with extra interest only (this
is the target problem again but with implicit differentiation) worth extra
credit of one quiz:
69. Hint: Write eq for
tan line y = m x +b at
point (x0,y0) on ellipse, so that x0^2 + 4y0^2 = 5
(eq1); use this condition to simplify the y intercept. Impose that (-5,0) lie on tan
line to get second condition (eq2) for (x0,y0) and multiply through by 4 y0 to get rid of
fractions and then solve for x0. Then solve eq1 for y0. Then backsub values into tan line eq and find
y value at x=3.]]
- W: for Friday: 3.7:
1, 3, 5, 11, 13, 19,
21a,b*[use the single line
below for the plot, make
comments comparing 3 graphs: when the slope is steepest, does the second
derivative have a horizontal tangent line? when the slope is increasing
(decreasing) is the second derivative positive (negative)?,],
25, 39, 45,
[use the single line below for the plot, be sure to answer c) in a comment referring to the plot], 59;
> plot([f(x),D(f)(x),(D@@2)(f)(x)],x=a..b,color=[red,blue,green]);
> with(Student[Calculus1]);
> CurveAnalysisTutor(f(x));
MLRC problem session 5:30pm.
- Th: Test 2 thru 3.5
- F: 3.8: 3, 7, 8 (rewrite rule), 9, 13 (rewrite rule),
19 [Hint: log of sum not sum of logs, but can first factor input of log in this example and
expand the expression using log rules to simplify calculation (rewrite rule!)],
21, 25, 31, 35, 38, 41.
- M: handout sheets on explicit
versus implicit differentiation and related rates problems;
3.10: [for word problems always use the
d?/d? derivative notation, never prime]
1, 3; 7, 11,
(see example 3), 33 [for b) this
problem describes information about an obvious triangle (draw it); which two
sides of this triangle lead to the simplest functional relationship between
the angle and a variable side length that we must use as a starting point?
Hint: if one side of the triangle is constant, it should be used in the ratio
used to define the angle, and the variable side should be in the numerator so
it is not also composed with the reciprocal function in the relationship.].
- W: 3.10: 27, 29, 31, 35
[Hint: let x be the distance traveled by plane from start, y the distance from
radar station; evaluate sides of triangle with y as hypotenuse in terms of
sides of triangle with x as hypotenuse; then express y in terms of those sides
by Pythagoras to get quadratic relationship];
optional 37;
[in class: 30, 34, 35].
- Th:
3.11 (thru linear approximation): 1,
5, 9, 13, 13b* [for
the accuracy, follow example 3],
35 [use the linear approximation at x = 45 degrees].
- F: Quiz 6 thru 3.10;
3.11 (differential
approximation): 21, 29, 35 [now use
differentials], 41, 45,
46, 49.
- M: maple3.mws due
this week
4.1: 1, 3, 5, 7, 11; 15, 21, 23, 29; 31, 33, 35
(quadratic formula!),
41 [like example 7: either use product rule or rewrite first by
multiplying out and then differentiate; then combine into a single fraction,
then factor quadratic numerator (use maple factor command?); compare with
> plot(surd(x,5)^4*(4-x)^2,x=-1..6); or on
graphing calculator with this same window],
49, 59, 63 (use log diff, expanding ln of RHS), 69*
[see example 10 in worksheet].
- W: 4.1:
62 (exp/ln practice: exact critical point (ln 2, 1/4), max/min? graph it);
70 [we
already know that F '(arctan(mu)) = 0 from previous HW 3.5.34; evaluate F at endpoints
& crit point, why is crit value the smallest of the
three values?],
73 [multiply out before differentiating,
then factor afterwards];
In class paper handout: This is a do-able realistic calculus problem:
Applied Project 4.1 Part 1 (page 288): express D(alpha)
given in the equation in terms of
alpha alone using Snell's law to solve for beta in terms of alpha using the
arcsin function and the value of k = 4/3 quoted in the text; plot for all angles between 0 and π (Pi), click on minimum to get approximate radian
angle and convert to degrees; make a MAPLE function Dev(alpha) since D is
already used by the derivative, then use fsolve and D to find the critical
number and value to high accuracy in radians, then convert both to degrees to
get the two angles given in the text [or define the Maple function directly in
terms of degrees by replacing D(alpha) by 180/Pi*D(Pi/180*alpha)];
try finding the critical point by hand for homework if you are interested;
optional for rocket scientists: 72* [data fitting plus
max/min template given].
- Th: 4.2: 1, 5,
9 [the hand work part], 9*[read carefully: combination of hand work and MAPLE], 13, 33
[like example 6 show that the derivative of the difference function is zero,
etc], 34 [acceleration is the derivative of
velocity, hence the MeanValueThm takes this language here].
- F: 4.3: 1, 3, 5, 6 [remember,
these are graphs of f ' not f], 7,
13, 21, 23, 27, 31,
33, 41 [surds];
derivatives of Maple functions:
> f:=x->x^4-x^2;
> D(f)(x);
> (D@@2)(f)(x);
- M: in class: 4.3: 45, 51,
61 [hand work: show
that simplifying the second derivative (quotient rule) and setting it equal to
zero leads to setting the factor 1 - 74 exp(-0.6t) equal to zero, which is
easily solved exactly for the inflection point time];
55*[do what the textbook asks you to do, guestimate intervals of
concavity and state your guesses before checking the graph of the second
derivative, then compare with a comment],
MLRC problem session 5:30pm; Test 3 thru 4.2 available
afterwards in paper at session or at my office door
or via web; due back Friday, Dec 3;
don't leave it till the last minute. You have a week in addition to your T-day
vacation to work on it; you may NOT COLLABORATE, you may use your book
or notes and you will have to use MAPLE or a G-Calculator; if you get stuck
you may only discuss it with me in my office (don't wait till it is too late);

- M:
or l'Hospital?; zoom!;
8 class days left after today!;
no homework: work on test 3!;
in class, explicit ratios only: 4.4: 5,
9, 11, 13,
21, 23, 27, 31, 35.
- W: handout [1][2] on L'Hopital's
Rule and power type indeterminate limits;
4.4: prods: 41, differences 45;
powers: 53, 57; in context: 69, 70;
optional for those who like a challenge: 71.
- Th: Read 4.5 (summary): do 13, 19, 49;
read 4.6: do 15* [produce several graphs
that show all the details that one graph cannot supply, use MAPLE to find the
(x,y) for the critical points and points of inflection, finally make an
exaggerated hand sketch "road map" labeling
all points with 3 significant digit accuracy that summarizes your results
to be handed in on Monday as a quiz grade; print out your maple worksheet
and staple it to your roadmap]
- F: Test 3 due back by 5pm under my door if I am not there (push all the
[but I won't be in to pick them up in the evening, so you can still work till
Saturday (Sunday?), but you have to move on to the graph problem to be handed
in monday, so try to finish Saturday]
you can do this all by hand and get exact results (like arccos(1/4) for the
location of the inflection points):
4.5: 37 [Note: odd function so pick
period -Pi<=x<=Pi; use sin(2x)=2sin(x)cos(x) to find zeros of f and f
'', use cos(2x)=2cos(x)^2-1 to find zeros of f ', but keep trig(2x) formulas
for differentiation].
- M: 4.7: 1a: [ this will
create the table of values: > for x from 1 to 22 do [x,23-x,x*(23-x)] od;
1b, 7, 17 [example 3],
28, 29, 31;
maple substitute quiz due today;
complete and due by the end of
exam period
- W: 4.7: 43 [illumination
Ii=kSi/di^2 for each light, where k is a
constant and S2=3S1 are the strength constants,
and total illumination is the sum of the two, evaluate distances di
to get function of distance x from first light; 55 [Hint: if x is distance run by slower
runner, theta is the difference of arctans:
plot(arctan(3*x)-arctan(x),x=0..4); ignore advice
to maximize tan(theta)]; 38 [variable v >= u, u is a
constant; to plot note E(v) = (aL u^2) x^3/(x-1), where x = v/u
> 1
is dimensionless and the coefficient (...) is a constant];
50 [units: c(v) = gal/hr, G(v) = c(v)/v = gal/hr/(mi/hr) =
gal/mi, so you need to express G'(v) in terms of c'(v) to see
what the condition is that G is minimized; hint: for a point on the
curve c(v), what does the ratio c(v)/v represent?].
- Th: 4.9:
1, 3, 5, use the NewtonsMethodTutor command,
experiment with different starting points:
> with(Student[Calculus1]):
> f := x-> x^3 -3x +1;
> plot(f(x), x=-3..3);
> NewtonsMethodTutor(f(x),2);
[If you are interested in the solution of the car
loan monthly interest rate problem, see problem 41 and the worksheet
- F: test 3 back with answer key to study independent of what grade you got
[supporting maple worksheet on-line];
4.R: Browse the concept check,
true-false quiz and exercises in
this chapter review and attempt
problems for which you think you need practice; and when preparing for final
exam, do the same for the other chapters, at least chapter 3;
in particular, apart from the mechanical kinds of problems note:
4.R: 9, 11; 45 [note that f '(x) is quadratic in
x50, what is the sign of this derivative? first find the
roots of the quadratic expression], 47, 48; 57 [how would you define
dimensionless variables x and y?, 59
[draw the p-N (price-number) plane with the information from the first
two sentences: point and slope; use to write an equation for the linear
relationship between price and number from the data; how does revenue R depend
on p and N? (product!) What is the minimum value of p (domain)
allowed by the seat capacity? Does this turn out to matter? Can one lower the
price below this amount?].
- M: Dec 13: Final exam content discussion;
teaching evaluations;
course summary handout [rules of
MAPLE upgrades on all assignments still possible until end of exam period,
when Maple 4 is due;
brain food teaser: 4.R.76 [not final exam material; hint: make a possible
diagram of the difference distance in the s versus t plane, or the difference
velocity in the v versus t plane, how is an inflection point of the difference
distance (equal accelerations) characterized in either of these diagrams?].
MLRC problem session, Thursday, Dec 16, 6:30pm.
Final exam Monday, Dec 20 8am, Mendel G92, G90; 1 week to catch up.
Exam period
over Tuesday, Dec 21.
Pick up final exams early next semester if you want to make sure you got the
grade you deserved. Mechanical grading errors are possible since bob is human.
Weeks 3 and 4: come by and find me in my office, tell me how things are
going. This is a required visit.
Test 1: Thursday, Sep 30; MLRC
problem session Tuesday, Sep 28, 5:30pm.
Test 2: Thursday, Nov 4,
MLRC problem session Wednesday,
Nov 3,
Test 3: Take home Monday,
Nov 15, due Friday, Dec 3; MLRC problem session
Mon, Nov 15,
Mon, Dec 20 8:00-10:30am
you may use the algebra summary handout
Pick up your final exam and answer key at end of finals
week or beginning of next semester.
13-dec-2004 [course