The Princeton Mathematics Community in the 1930s
İThe Trustees of Princeton University, 1985
The number of the transcript is given first, followed by the page number for that
transcript. Thus 16-23 is a reference to page 23 of transcript 16. (The designation
(PMC16) 23 appears at the bottom of that page.) The transcript number is not repeated
when, for a given name, there are references to several pages of the same transcript. The
transcripts are in numerical order. (The name of the person being interviewed is not
indexed for that interview. The occurrences of Albert Tucker's name are indexed only for
those interviews in which he did not take part.)
For the web version, the page numbers "(PMCxx) yy" at the bottom of each
typewritten transcript page have been converted to bookmarks "(PMCxx)yy+1"
in the transcript web document which are the targets of the page reference links in this
index, with the pagenumber yy replaced by yy + 1 so that page target bookmarks correspond
to the top of the successive page of the original transcript. This is done so that
following a link in the index to a given transcript reference, one can then use the
"Find in Page" editing menu browser function to find the next occurrence
down in the document of the given name of interest. Only one link per transcript is given,
since once the webpage is opened, "Find in Page" will find all occurrences,
while one can easily scroll back to the top or around the bookmark location. The original
page numbers of the single link will signal multiple occurrences of the name to search
for. [Complication: single digit transcript numbers are preceded by a zero to make them
two digits in the filenames and bookmarks.]
[A B C D E F G H I
- Ackermann, W.
- 5-6,7 23-3,6,11
- Adams, C.R., [mathematician at Brown]
- 41-1
- Adams, Edwin Plimpton
- 16-3,5 44-6
- Addison, John
- 19-1,2
- Agnew, Ralph P.
- 4-6
- Ahlfors, Lars V.
- 3-1 18-13
- Albert, Adrian A.
- 6-10 8-4
11-10,16 24-11
29-9 33-7,11
- Alder, Henry
- 39-13
- Alexander, J(ames) W(addell)
- 2-5 3-12
5-3,4 6-1,27,14,15,18
7-1 8-1,3,6,11
9-7 10-1,2,5
- 11-5,13,14,16 12-5,7,14
14-6,7,12,44,45 15-4,6,13
- 18-9 20-8
23-18,21 25-4,8,15
- 29-2,6,8,10,13,15 30-13,15,17 31-3,17
- 34-1,6-9 35-15,11,12,23
36-9 37-4,8,9
- 38-7,10,15,17,18,20 40-14,7 42-6,7,10
- 45-5,10
- Alexander, Mrs. James, [wife of J.W. Alexander]
- 8-2 14-45
- Alexander, Mrs. John, [mother of J.W. Alexander]
- 15-4 30-16
- Alexandroff, Paul
- 6-6,7 8-3
10-2,9,10 14-31
29-6 33-6,7
37-6 38-10
- Alfing
- 18-13
- Alfven, H.
- 11-16
- Alger, P(hilip) L(angdon)
- 15-13
- Allen, R.G.D.
- 9-9 38-6
- Allendoerfer, Carl (Barnett)
- 7-15 8-16
13-3 17-1
- Ambrose, Warren
- 3-15
- Anderson, R. L.
- 41-6,14
- Anderson, Theodore W., Jr., (Ted)
- 3-3,11 7-1315
33-16 41-7,14
- Archibald, R(aymond) C(lare)
- 12-2,15 25-9
- Artin, Emil
- 14-3 22-3
30-20 31-12
33-12 39-14
- Aydelotte, Frank
- 14-18 35-4
- Baer, [bank owner]
- 15-17
- Baer, Reinhold
- 8-11
- Baker, H.F., [geometer]
- 33-6 38-7
- Ball, George
- 11-4 18-8,9
- Bamberger, Louis
- 8-2 14-18,32
25-12 29-14
37-7 38-16
- Barber, S.F.
- 33-7
- Bardeen, John
- 2-7 8-16
36-10 -
- Bargmann, Valentine
- 9-10 18-10
22-8 25-3
31-18 34-2,5,6
39-5 44-3,6
- Barnes, J(ohn) L(andes)
- 11-3,16 12-9
16-5,6 24-8,9
25-11 26-4
29-11 33-11
36-5 42-2
- Basye, (math graduate student at Princeton]
- 29-11
- Beams, [at the University of Virginia]
- 14-14
- Beatty, Samuel
- 38-4
- Beckenbach, E(dwin) F(ord)
- 11-4,16 26-4
- Becker, Richard
- 44-7
- Begle, E(dward) G(riffith), (Ed)
- 3-2 12-13
33-7 39-12
- Bell, E(ric) T(emple), [wife Toby] 1
- 1-1 12-2
14-40 34-3
39-2 40-12,13
- Bellman, Richard
- 11-22 22-4
- Bennett, Albert A.
- 12-10 15-2,3
- Bennett, Edward
- 1-2
- Bennett, Theodore
- 33-7
- Bergmann, Peter
- 2-2 20-11
- Berkson, Joe
- 41-13
- Bernays, Paul
- 5-7,10,13,14 23-6,12
- Beth
- 23-12
- Birkhoff, Garrett
- 25-2,5 34-1
- Birkhoff, G(eorge) D(avid)
- 3-8 6-8
9-5 14-21,27,34
15-4,6,11 18-14,15
- 25-15 29-2,4
30-2 33-11
34-1,7 35-20,22
- 37-1,6,7,9 40-8,16
- Blake, Gwen
- 2-2 15-13,14
29-6 36-6
- Makers, A(lbert) L(aurence), (Larry)
- 30-20 39-14
- Bland, [at the Naval Academy]
- 39-3
- Blaschke, Wilhelm
- 8-4 24-13
- Bleakney, Walker
- 1-8 16-3
- Blewett, John P.
- 18-1,7
- Bliss, G(ilbert) A(mes)
- 8-8,9 13-1
14-34 15-1,2,4,6,7
- 30-2 34-7
35-22 37-1,6,7
38-19 43-1,3
- Block, Richard
- 8-4
- Blumenthal, Leonard M.
- 24-11 33-7
- Boas, Ralph P., Jr.
- 9-5 11-8
29-5 32-2
- Bocher, Maxime
- 9-5 11-8
29-5 32-2
- Bochner, Salomon
- 3-4,13 4-13
6-17 8-4,5,1214
9-8 13-3
- 15-10 16-36
18-4 21-1,2
26-2 30-4,5,15
- 35-5,15 36-10
38-20 40-11
41-9,13,16 45-8,14
- Bohnenblust, H(enri) F(rederic), (Boni)
- 1-8,10,13 3-3,13
4-3 6-5
7-5,12 8-12
9-8 10-6,14,15
- 11-16,23 12-8
13-2,3 14-22
16-35 18-2,4,5
20-9 21-3
- 22-3 23-18,21
24-5,8,10 26-2
27-2 29-8
30-1 0,
- 31-22 32-2
33-10,11 35-9,10,15,18
36-10 37-8
- 39-6,7 41-13,16,17
42-7 45-3,8,14
- Bohr, Harald (August)
- 4-2 6-5
8-4 42-7,8
- Bohr, Niels
- 2-3,9 7-6
11-11 20-1
- Bol, Gerrit
- 8-5 24-11,12
26-4 43-3
- Bolton, L.
- 9-5
- Boone, William W.
- 5-8
- Born, Max
- 44-7
- Borsuk, Karol
- 17-4 38-13
- Bourbaki, Betty
- 14-9 31-4
- Bourbaki, Nicolaus
- 14-9 31-4
- Boutroux, [French mathematician]
- 37-4
- Brahana, Henry
- 33-9
- Brattain, Ross Robert
- 1-12
- Brattain, Walter
- 1-12
- Brauer, Alfred, [brother of Richard Brauer]
- 33-12
- Brauer, Richard (Dagobert)
- 6-7,8 8-4,5
11-12 18-12
24-13 33-12
34-3 36-5
37-9 38-17
- Breit, Gregory
- 2-1 44-8
- Bridgman, Percy Williams
- 1-6
- Brigham, Carl
- 7-9
- Briggs, Carland
- 33-9
- Brouwer, L(uitzen) E.J.
- 5-1,2,7 23-4,6,12,14
- Brown, A(rthur) A(lbert) F(rancis)
- 3-8 13-3
- Brown, George W., [wife Bobby]
- 6-11 7-4,6,7,14,15
33-15 39-4
- Brown, (James) Douglas, [dean at Princeton]
- 2-12
- Bruening, Chancellor Heinrich
- 30-12
- Brunswick, Natasha, [wife of Emil Artin]
- 45-12
- Burrell, Bobby
- 45-12
- Busemann, Herbert
- 8-12 34-6
- Bush, Vannevar
- 35-19
- Cairns, Stewart
- 34-6
- Caratheoclory, Constantin
- 6-17
- Carmichael, R(obert) D(aniel)
- 11-8 29-2
- Carver, Harry (Clyde)
- 7-13 32-7
- Cassen, Benedict
- 8-9 29-10
- Cayley, Arthur
- 40-13
- Cech, Eduard
- 14-10 36-5
- Chabauty
- 45-10
- Chamberlain, Neville
- 3-14
- Chapelon, Jacques, [at Toronto]
- 38-8
- Chevalley, Claude
- 10-9 14-36
21-14 22-2,3
28-2 32-11
- Chittenden, Edward W.
- 25-1,3
- Christian, Mr., (of Lahiere's restaurant]
- 24-9
- Church, Alonzo, [wife Mary]
- 3-5,12,13 7-12,13
8-1316 10-11,12
11-8,23 12-1,3
- 14-2,40,41,43 17-2
19-1,2 22-2,3,6,9,10
- 24-7,9 26-2
27-3 29-5,6,8
30-9 32-69
- 35-47,11,23 36-5,9 37-11
40-10,11 44-5
- Church, Mary, [wife of Alonzo Church]
- 23-21
- Cleland, William
- 33-9
- Clifford, A(Ifred) H., (Al)
- 7-1,4 8-11
11-12,13 34-3
- Cochran, William) G(emmell)
- 3-11 41-12,14
- Cohen, [math professor at Hopkins]
- 8-9
- Cohen, Leon W.
- 40-1
- Coleman, Earle
- 40-1
- Collins, D.J.
- 5-8
- Compton, A(rthur) H(olly)
- 44-68
- Compton, Karl T.
- 11-8
- Condon, E(dward) U(hler)
- 1-3,4,8 2-3
7-5,6 9-6,7
14-13,28,31 16-3,5,8
- 32-11 33-10
35-18 39-8
- Coolidge, J(ulian) L(owell)
- 40-8 43-4
- Cooper
- 14-45
- Courant, Richard
- 6-8 8-9
15-5,11 26-3
- Cousin, Pierre
- 8-12
- Cox, Christopher
- 45-2
- Cox, Gertrude (Mary)
- 41-12
- Coxeter, H(arold) S(cott) M(acDonald)
- 7-12 8-4
- Craig, Cecil (Calvert)
- 41-12
- Craig, Homer
- 40-14
- Cramer, Harald
- 41-17
- Cramlet, Clyde Myron
- 10-2,4,5
- Crathorn, A(rthur) R(obert), [statistician]
- 7-9
- Crozier, W(alter) C(lyde)
- 41-12
- Cubello, Frank (Dominic)
- 11-4 14-12
24-9 26-1,4
- Cunningham, Leland E.
- 15-4
- Curry, Haskell
- 23-6
- Curtiss, J(ohn) H(amilton)
- 42-9
- Dahnken, Francis Carsten
- 29-11
- Daly, Joseph F., [wife Charlotte]
- 3-2 16-2
17-1 27-4,5
33-10,15 41-6,7
- Dantzig, George
- 11-21,22 31-2
- Davis, Herb
- 7-2
- Davis, Martin
- 5-8
- Davis, T. H.
- 42-3
- Debye, Peter
- 1-1
- DeLury, A(Ifred) T(ennyson), [dean at Toronto]
- 31-2
- de Rham, Georges
- 43-2
- Dickson, L(eonard) E(ugene)
- 6-7 11-1
31-7 33-12
- Dieudonne, J.
- 14-39,40
- Dirac, Paul A.M.
- 1-2 8-5
11-9,10 14-12,17,26
20-12 34-6
38-4 42-10,11
- Dixon, Will
- 3-2,3,11 7-7,13,15,16
- Dod, Albert Baldwin
- 39-14
- Dodd, E. L.
- 7-4,11
- Dodds, Harold
- 35-8 41-6
- Dolph, C(harles) L(aurie), (Chuck)
- 21-1
- Dorfman, Robert
- 39-10
- Dorroh, J. L.
- 11-6
- Douglas, Ed
- 15-2,3
- Douglas, Jesse
- 13-2
- Dowker, (Clifford) Hugh
- 17-2,4 33-7
- Doyle, Thomas C.
- 16-9 17-2
- Dresch, Francis
- 11-21
- Dryden, Hugh Latimer
- 15-13
- Dubridge
- 14-42
- Ducasse, [philosopher]
- 23-15
- Duff, George F.D.
- 39-2
- Dukas, Helen
- 25-14
- Duncan, Achison, (Atch)
- 7-911 9-5,10
33-14 41-6
- Dunford, Nelson
- 6-18 14-6
- Duren, William L.
- 40-17
- Dwyer, Paul S.
- 41-8,12
- Dzurkoc, Ginny, [secretary in the math department at Princeton]
- 32-9
- Eastman, George
- 20-10
- Echols, [an early editor of Annals of Mathematics]
- 1-13
- Eddington, Arthur Stanley
- 1-13
- Eddy, Robert D.
- 17-2
- Egervary, E., [Hungarian mathematician]
- 34-4
- Ehrenfest, Paul
- 44-1
- Ehresmann, Charles
- 24-12
- Eilenberg, Samuel
- 3-15
- Einstein, Albert
- 2-2,3,9,10 3-1,5
4-4,6 7-1,5,8
8-2,3,7,10-12 9-5,79
- 11-10,1416,23 12-6 13-4
14-18,19,2427,41 15-6,1315
- 16-5 17-2
20-1113 22-57
24-13 25-1215
26-3 27-2
- 29-9,15 30-3,8,12,17
33-3,4,16 34-2,3,57
35-18 37-8,9
- 38-17 40-7
41-17 42-4
9 44-2
- Einstein, Mrs. Albert, (wife of Albert Einstein]
- 8-7,13
- Eisenbud, Leonard
- 44-4
- Eisenhart, Churchill
- 11-18 16-2
23-21 25-16
33-1,14 41-9
- Eisenhart, Luther (Pfahler), (wife Katherine]
- 1-11,13 2-5,12
3-4 4-4,5
5-1,3,4,11,13,14 6-14 7-1,35,8,9,11,12
- 8-5,6,8,9 9-16,812
10-1,12,15 11-2,5,9,10,17,18,23
- 13-13,6 14-5,11,26,27,39,42,43,45
15-6,18 16-2,3,8
- 18-2,5,10,15 20-3,10
21-4 22-2,3
23-18,19,21,22 24-2,57,9,10,1214
- 25-14-16 26-2
27-1,3,5 28-1,2
29-2,5,6,8 30-6,8,1315,18,19
- 31-3,6,1518,2023 32-5,8,11,12 33-15,9,10,1416
- 35-713,1618,2022 36-3,8 37-3,11
- 39-8,14 40-8
41-7,9,10,17 42-3,10
- Eisenhart, Mrs. Luther, [wife of L.P. Eisenhart]
- 3-46,12 8-6
14-2 35-12
- Elkana, Y.
- 20-12
- Epstein, Paul (Sophus)
- 14-29
- Erclos, Paul
- 3-14,15 8-5
13-46 17-2,3
- Ettlinger, H.J.
- 40-15
- Evans, Duane
- 11-21
- Evans, Griffith C.
- 7-10 12-4
14-35 24-3
- Eyring, Henry
- 41-2,8 44-8,9
- Feenberg, Eugene
- 1-10
- Fefferman, Charles
- 6-14
- Fehr, Howard
- 39-15
- Fermi, Enrico
- 14-13 15-8
- Feynman, Richard
- 2-6 3-6
16-9 21-2
41-14 44-5
- Ficken, Fred
- 7-15 13-3
14-42,43 17-2
- Fields, J. C.
- 38-5
- Fine, H(enry) B(urchard), (Harry)
- 5-1,3,4,13 10-11,12
25-9,15 29-1,2,46,8,12,13
- 31-2,22,23 35-8,1113,22
37-15 38-8,14
- Fisher, R(onald) A(lymer)
- 3-10 7-2,3,12
9-6 41-13
- Fitch, Frederick 23-7
- Flanders, Donald 33-7
- Fleming, Agnes, [married name Agnes Henry]
- 7-8 17-6 30-9 35-6,10 37-10 40-11 42-3
- Fleming, Marie, [sister of Agnes Fleming]
- 31-16
- Flexner, Abraham
- 6-9 8-2,10
10-10 12-10
14-18,32 25-1215
- 29-8,1315 34-7 37-7,10
- Flexner, Simon
- 10-1,8,10 29-8,14
- Flexner, William) Welch), (Bill)
- 4-5 6-4,15
12-7 29-8
31-16 42-9
- Flood, Merrill (Meeks), [wife Alice]
- 3-5,7,11 9-6 24-5,10 26-4 27-4 38-19 39-24,10 45-7
- Forsyth, C(hester) H(ume)
- 41-11
- Foster, A(Ifred) L(eon), [wife Else]
- 5-8,15 6-13
14-40,41 23-3
29-8 33-2,10,12
- Fox, Ralph H.
- 3-2,14 7-15
17-2 31-12
33-7 36-9
39-12 40-3
41-6,16 42-6
- Fraenkel, Abraham A.
- 30-20
- Frame, J. Sutherland
- 30-20
- Frankel, [at Hebrew University]
- 3-13
- Franklin, Philip
- 33-9
- Frechet, Rene Maurice
- 14-31,32
- Freudenthal, Hans
- 18-13 45-6
- Friedman, Milton
- 7-10
- Friedmann
- 14-41
- Friedrichs, Kurt Otto
- 15-11 37-9
- Frisch, Ragnar
- 39-14
- Frobenius, Ferdinand Georg
- 11-13 44-7
- Fry, Thornton
- 7-4 9-5
- Fubini-Ghiron, Guido
- 28-4
- Fuld, Mrs. Felix, (Carrie)
- 8-2 14-18
29-14 37-7
- Furstenburg, Harry [mathematician at Minnesota]
- 4-3
- Gaba, Meyer G.
- 11-2
- Gale, David
- 39-5,6,9,11
- Garfield, Eugene
- 11-13
- Garrison, George N.
- 6-10 11-4,6
26-4 37-10
- Gauss
- 38-9 40-4
- Geckeler, Otto T.
- 42-1
- Gehman, Harry M.
- 40-5
- Gelbaum, Bernard Russell
- 4-3
- Gentzen
- 23-22
- Gibbs, Josiah Willard
- 40-13
- Giese, John H. 1
- 6-2 17-1
- Gillespie, William
- 11-17 14-26,27
29-7 30-2,15
31-17 35-14
- Gillies, Donald Bruce
- 39-6
- Gillispie, Charles C.
- 14-9 40-13,14
- Gillon, Paul
- 15-3
- Girshick, Abe
- 7-7,16
- Givens, (James) Wallace
- 16-5 33-5
35-23 42-9
- Gleason, Andrew, (mathematician at Harvard]
- 31-10
- Gleason, R.E.
- 33-9
- Gödel, Kurt
- 3-5,7 5-810,13
8-3 11-8
12-3 14-1
15-1315 22-57
- 23-3,5,7,911,21,22 24-13 32-10
33-1214 34-2,6,7
- 36-7,9 38-17
- Goffman, Casper
- 14-13
- Goldstine, Mrs. Adelle, [wife of Herman Goldstine]
- 14-13
- Goldstine, Herman
- 22-8,9 32-5
- Goursat, [French mathematician]
- 31-4
- Graham, Frank
- 7-10,11
- Graham, Thomas S.
- 29-11
- Grassmann, Hermann G.
- 15-2 38-19
- Graves, Lawrence M.
- 15-2 38-19
- Greenwood, Robert E.
- 33-11 36-10
- Griesmer, Xames) H(ugo), (Jim)
- 39-13
- Gronwall, T.H.
- 12-5 29-2
35-15 36-9
- Guggenheimer, Heinrich W.
- 4-3
- Gunning, R.G., (Bob)
- 14-8 16-6
- Haar
- 8-3
- Haas, Otto, Jr.
- 16-2 17-1
- Hadamard, Jacques
- 18-5 25-13
- Hagen, Bessel
- 14-32
- Hague, Al
- 14-14
- Hahn
- 15-11
- Hahr, Mr., [janitor in Fine Hall]
- 2-12 12-9
- Hall and Knight, [British textbook-writers]
- 38-3
- Hall, Marshall
- 18-15
- Halmos, Paul
- 3-15 39-8
- Halperin, Israel
- 14-26 26-4
27-3,4 33-10
- Hamilton, William Rowan
- 33-3
- Hammond, Edward
- 33-9
- Hardy, G(odfrey) H(arold)
- 9-11,12 18-8
20-1,9 30-11
34-7 35-11
38-3,11,14 45-2
- Hastings, Cecil, Jr.
- 41-7
- Hastoy, Millard W.
- 7-13
- Hedlund, G(ustav) A(rnold)
- 8-15 10-8
- Hedrick, E(arl) R(aymond)
- 14-36 24-7
- Heermance, Radcliffe
- 11-7
- Heisenberg, Werner
- 38-4
- Helmer, Olaf
- 3-13
- Henkin, Leon A.
- 5-8,10 22-3,4
- Henry, Agnes, see Agnes Fleming
- Herget, Paul
- 41-8
- Herman, Robert
- 16-9
- Herring, Conyers
- 1-5,12,13 17-1
- Herstein, Israel N.
- 11-6 14-39
- Hestenes, Magnus R(udolph)
- 25-2
- Heyting, Arend
- 5-2 23-12
- Hibben, John Grier [president of Princeton]
- 25-14 33-4
35-8 43-3
- Hilbert, David
- 5-1,2,6,7 8-3
15-6,9 18-12
23-3,6,12 25-13
33-2,5,14 34-3,7
- Hildebrandt, Joel
- 12-3,4
- Hildebrandt, T(heophil) H(enry)
- 6-1,2
- Hilgard, E(rnest) R(opiequet)
- 39-11
- Hille, (Carl) Einar
- 1-8 5-3,4
6-5,18 9-4
10-13 11-4
14-43 18-4
- 24-2,5 25-6
26-2 29-7,8
30-4,5,15 31-6,16,23
- 33-10 35-1416
36-9,10 37-10,11
38-10,18,20 42-3,8
- Hilton, Peter
- 20-8 22-9
- Hirschfelder, Joseph 0.
- 1-9 11-4,16
20-13 23-5
- Hitler, Adolf
- 1-10 2-1
3-14 7-10
8-9,10,16 14-20,22
29-15 30-12
33-12 34-3
- Hlavaty, [Czech mathematician]
- 14-10
- Hochschild, Gerhard P.
- 8-6 21-3,4
- Hodge, W(illiam) Wallance) D(ouglas)
- 39-2
- Hodges, Andrew
- 16-7 45-10
- Hoffleit, (Ellen) Dorrit
- 15-4
- Hoffmann, Banesh
- 2-2 8-9
11-3 14-41
29-9,11 34-5,6
35-18 38-15
- Hogben, Lancelot
- 30-3
- Holbrook, Bernie
- 41-8
- Holt, Governor
- 11-18
- Holton, Gerald
- 20-12
- Hooke, Robert, [wife Anna]
- 28-2
- Hopf, Heinz
- 10-2 14-31
29-6 33-6,7
- Hotelling, Harold
- 7-2,3,8,15,16 29-4
32-7 33-9,16
- Howard, Stanley
- 40-2
- Hubble, Edwin Powell
- 11-15
- Hunt, Gilbert
- 3-1,2 7-9
- Huntington, E(dward) V(ermilye)
- 3-1,2 7-9
- Huntington, H.P.
- 44-4
- Hurewicz, Witold
- 3-15 17-3
41-14 45-5
- Hurvitz, Leo M.
- 41-8
- Hurwitz, Wallie
- 4-2,3,5
- Hutchisson, E(Imer)
- 1-2
- Infeld, Leopold
- 2-2 8-12
14-41 20-11
25-10 34-6
- Ingraham, Mark (Hoyt)
- 23-14,20
- Jacobson, Nathan
- 6-6 9-6
10-10 11-6,16
14-38 18-8
21-2 24-5,8,9,12
- 26-4 29-8
33-11 38-12,19
40-6 42-3-6
- Jaynes, Cornelia, [veterinarian]
- 3-7
- Jeans, James
- 14-27 16-3
29-2,3 37-1
- John, Fritz
- 6-8 14-25
- Johnson, Lyndon
- 39-15
- Jones, David B.
- 10-1 1
29-12 30-1
- Jones, Gwethalyn, [daughter of David Jones]
- 29-13 30-16
- Jones, Thomas D.
- 5-13 9-3
10-11 29-12,13
30-1-3,16 37-2,4
- Jones, Will, [philosophy professor]
- 45-12
- Jordan, P.
- 14-26 44-7
- Kac, Mark
- 3-15
- Kakutani, Shizuo
- 13-5
- Kaluza, Theodor Franz Eduard
- 20-1
- Kanner, Mort
- 41-14
- Kantorovich, L(eonid) V.
- 39-10
- Kappauf, William E.
- 41-8
- Karush, Bill
- 39-12
- Kelly, John L.
- 15-4
- Kemble, Edwin C.
- 1-10
- Kemeny, John
- 5-8,10 8-15
30-19 31-11
32-12 39-15
- Kemmerer, D(onald) L(orenzo)
- 25-15
- Kennedy, John F. 15-17
- 39-15
- Kennison, L(awrence) S(anford)
- 29-9
- Kerekjarto, [topologist]
- 14-31,32 33-6
- Kerr, Wilbur, [registrar at Princeton]
- 39-3
- Keuffel and Esser
- 39-3
- Kiang, Taai Han
- 42-12
- Kiefer, Jack
- 42-12
- Kimball, George
- 11-16
- King, Gilbert W.
- 41-14
- Kirchhoff
- 39-5,11
- Kistiakowsky, George Bogdan
- 15-13
- Kleene, S(tephen) C(ole), (Steve)
- 5-8,10,15 7-13
8-9,13 11-8,10
12-3 19-2
22-5,9 24-8,9
- 26-4 29-8
30-20 33-13
- Klein, (Christian) Felix
- 8-6 15-5
20-7 29-1
33-3,5 37-3
- Klein, Oskar Benjamin
- 20-1
- Knebelman, Morris S.
- 7-1,5 8-6
11-11 24-7
29-5,7 31-17
33-4,9 35-16,18,19
- Koenig, Denes
- 34-4
- Koethe, Gottfried
- 6-7,12,13
- Kolmogorov, Andrey Nikolaevich
- 15-10
- Koopman, Bernard L.
- 10-6,7 14-2
- Koopmans, Tjalling
- 11-1922 39-6,10
- Kronecker, Leopold
- 29-1 37-3
- Kuhn, Harold W.
- 15-10 32-10
34-4 39-5,9-12
- Kuratowski, Casimir
- 33-7 43-2
- Ladenburg, Rudolph
- 44-6
- Lagerstrom, Paco A.
- 36-3
- Lamb, David
- 13-4
- Landau, Edmund
- 24-13,14
- Langford, C. H.
- 5-6
- LaSalle, Joseph
- 40-7
- Lax, Peter
- 22-5
- Lebesque
- 31-4
- Lefschetz, Solomon
- 3-4 4-1,2
6-3,4,15,16 7-1,6,8
8-1,3,5,6,8,1013,15 9-2
- 10-2,5,6,8,1015 11-2,5,7,8,16,18,23 12-7,8,11,14
- 14-3,4,8,16,31,3638 15-13,18 16-3,4,7,9
17-4,5 18-4,12,15
- 20-8 21-14
22-3,10,11 23-8,17,19
24-2,6,7 25-2,8
- 28-13 29-510
30-8,19,20 31-3,6,9,10,16,
- 33-4,610,15 34-5,6 35-3,911,13,15,17,21
- 37-10,11 38-712,14,18,20,21
39-2,59,12 40-29
- 41-6,10,11,17 42-1,3,68,10
43-1,2,5 45-36,11,12,14
- Lefschetz, Mrs. Solomon, [wife of S. Lefschetz]
- 25-5
- Leidesclorf, [IAS trustee]
- 25-5
- Lemaitre, Abbe
- 14-26
- Leontief, Wassily
- 45-9,15
- Levengood, Larry
- 45-9,15
- Levi-Civita
- 26-4 29-8
- Levine, Jack
- 26-4 29-8
- Levinson, Horace
- 3-8
- Levinson, Norman
- 18-8
- Levy, Harry
- 33-9
- Lewis, Bernard
- 15-13
- Lewis, C.I.
- 5-6,7
- Lewis, Daniel C.
- 33-7 42-4,9
- Lewis, John L.
- 6-15
- Lewy, Hans
- 12-13 15-11
- Linfield, Ben Zion
- 14-15
- Linfoot, Edward A.
- 20-10 29-11
- Listing, Johann Benedict
- 38-9 40-4
- Littell, Whit
- 45-7
- Lobachevski, Nikolai
- 14-2
- Lorch, Edgar R.
- 14-2
- Lyell, Frank
- 45-9
- MacDonald, J(ames) K(eene) L(orne)
- 42-9
- MacDuffee, C(yrus) C (olton)
- 7-3 11-6
14-39,40 29-11
33-11 41-15,16
- Maclnnes, [professor at Princeton]
- 35-16
- Mackey, George
- 6-10
- Maclane, Saunders
- 6-10 9-5
14-27 23-16
35-19 42-9
- Madow, Bill
- 7-16
- Mahoney, Michael S.
- 40-10
- Marfield, Dwight H.
- 14-11 42-4
- Marshall, Alfred, [economist]
- 38-6
- Mautner, F(riedrich) I.
- 18-6
- Maxwell, J(ames) C(lerk)
- 39-2,11
- Mayberry, J(ohn) P(atterson), (Jim)
- 39-6
- Mayer, Walther
- 7-1- 8-11
9-8 11-23
- Mazurkevich, [Polish topologist]
- 33-7
- McCarthy, John
- 14-43 15-17
- McCarthy, Phil
- 3-3,11
- McClennan, John
- 38-5
- McClintock, Paul
- 24-11 29-11
- McCoy, Neal (Henry)
- 24-11 29-11
- McMillan, Brockway, (Brock)
- 21-1 41-3
- McMillan, Edwin Mattison
- 20-9,13
- McShane, E(dward) J(ames), (Jimmie), [wife Virginia]
- 2-10 6-8
11-5,16,18 15-4
24-1113 29-11
30-11 38-20
- Mendel, Clifford
- 11-10,16
- Menger, Karl
- 14-5,29,40 24-15
- Millikan, R(obert) A(ndrews)
- 14-5,29,40 24-15
- Mills, Harlan
- 39-13
- Milnor, John W.
- 39-13,15
- Minsky, Marvin
- 31-10,11 36-4
- Mittag-Lefler
- 32-3 33-10
- Montgomery, Deane
- 11-16,23 15-13,14
18-10 22-8
33-7 39-5
40-7 43-4
- Montroll, Elliot
- 2-6
- Mood, Alex(ander) M., [wife Harriet]
- 3-11 7-4,6,7,1416
11-16 16-2
17-2 27-3,5
33-15 41-14
- Moore, Billy
- 17-2
- Moore, E(liakim) H(astings)
- 6-1 14-8,35
15-4,6 23-5
33-2 35-22
36-9 41-5
- Moore, Paul Elmer
- 14-42
- Moore, R(obert) L(ee)
- 3-7 6-1,2
8-15 14-8,29,35
16-4 17-4,5
25-2 29-2,4
- 37-2 40-46,15-17
42-10 45-6
- Morgenstern, Oskar
- 3-6,7 11-11
15-14,15 18-10,11
22-6,7 34-2
- Morrey, Charles Bradfield, Jr., [wife Frances]
- 12-4,5,9,13,14 14-10 15-4
26-4 43-4,5
- Morse, Anthony P., (Tony)
- 14-10 15-4
- Morse, Marston, [wife Louise]
- 3-12 4-4
6-12 8-3,8,11-13,15
11-11,12 12-13
15-5,6 17-2
- 18-15 25-2,6
27-2 29-15
30-17,19 32-7,12
34-58 36-2,5,6
- 38-17,19,20 39-6,9
40-79 41-4
42-8 43-1,4
- Mosteller, Fred(erick) C., [wife Virginia]
- 3-2,3,10 6-10
7-13,16 11-18,19
33-15,16 39-5
- Mott, Neville
- 1-13
- Moulton, E.J.
- 16-8 40-17
- Murray, Francis J.
- 14-1 18-7,11
32-10 34-2
- Myers, Sumner B.
- 11-9 33-7
- Nagel, Ernest
- 14-1
- Nash, John (Forbes), Jr.
- 39-6
- Nering, Evar D.
- 30-20
- Neugebauer, Otto
- 40-12
- Newman, M(axwell) H(erman) A(lexander), (Max)
- 5-10,11 10-3,5,6
16-7 20-8,9
22-9 33-6
34-7 38-19
43-1 45-3
- Neyman, Jerzy
- 7-2,16 9-8
11-21 31-2
33-16 39-11
- Nicolet
- 43-2
- Nightingale, Florence
- 41-13
- Niven, Ivan, [wife Betty]
- 13-5
- Noether, Emmy
- 6-7,8,12 8-7,9
10-8 12-3
33-11,12 42-10
- Oakley, Cletus
- 17-1
- Olmsted, John M(eigs) H.
- 3-3,6 17-1
- Olum, Paul
- 44-3
- Oppenheim, Paul
- 22-5,6
- Oppenheimer, J. Robert
- 1-10 25-5,13
- Ore, Oystein
- 14-5 18-14
32-2 33-11
- Osgood, W(illiam) Rogg)
- 14-5 18-14
32-2 33-11
- Page, [physicist]
- 14-14
- Panofsky, Erwin
- 8-16
- Pauli, Wolfgang
- 2-1,3,9 14-28
- Pearl, Raymond
- 41-12
- Pearson, Egon
- 7-14
- Pearson, Karl
- 7-14
- Peisakoff, Melvin
- 41-13
- Pell-Wheeler, Anna
- 10-8
- Petard, H.
- 14-9 16-8
17-6 41-15
- Peters, Leo J.
- 1-2
- Peterson
- 11-16
- Pfeiffer, G.A.
- 6-16
- Pierce, Tracy A.
- 11-1
- Pieters, Richard Sawyer, (Dick)
- 11-8
- Pitcher, (Arthur) Everett
- 11-16 15-3,4
18-15 34-5
- Poincare, Henri
- 6-2 31-4
- Polya, George
- 8-4 26-3
- Pondiczery, Ersatz Stanislaus
- 41-14,15
- Pontryagin, Lev Semenovich
- 6-4 8-3,5
- Post, Emil (Leon)
- 5-7 23-12,13
- Price, Baley
- 39-13
- Price, Francis V.
- 13-3,4 45-12
- Pryce, Maurice H.L.
- 13-3,4 16-8
36-10 44-5
- Quine, Willard V.0.
- 3-5 19-2
- Rabi, I.I.
- 2-1,9
- Rado, Tibor
- 8-8
- Rainich, G(eorqe) Y(uri)
- 6-17
- Randels, William) C(onrad), (Bill)
- 8-13 11-8
26-4 27-3
29-9 42-4,8
- Raynor, George
- 33-9
- Reed, Papa
- 45-7
- Rees, Mina
- 6-12
- Reingold, Nathaniel
- 14-33 37-9
- Ricci
- 33-3
- Richards, Howard
- 7-10 14-35
16-2 17-1
- Richardson, Owen
- 29-3 40-9
- Richardson, R(oland) G(eorge) D(wight)
- 9-12 14-35
- Ridenour, Louis
- 14-13,14
- Riesz, F.
- 6-3
- Rietz, H(enry) L(ewis)
- 7-3,8,9 32-7
- Ritt, J(oseph) F(ells)
- 6-16 14-2
- Robertson, H(oward) P(ercy), (Bob), [wife Angela]
- 1-3,79,11,13 2-3,5,6,8 3-3,5
5-14 7-8,9
8-911 9-58
- 11-5,8,9,1416 12-2,7 13-2
- 16-3,8 18-4,5
20-35,9,10,12,13 23-17,21 24-2,10
- 29-7 30-12,17
31-18 32-12
, 33-10,14
34-3 35-1720
- 36-5,10 39-9
41-17 42-4,7,10
44-7 45-11
- Robertson, Malcolm (Irving) (Slingsby)
- 18-1,2 24-5,8
- Robinson, Selby
- 5-8 22-4
- Rogers, Hartley
- 5-8 22-4
- Roos, Charles
- 7-10
- Roosevelt, Franklin
- 7-11 14-23
- Root, Robert, [Dean of the Faculty at Princeton]
- 11-7 31-23
- Rota, Gian-Carlo
- 3-9 4-5
5-8,10,15 7-12,13
8-13 11-5,8,9,15,16
- 22-9 24-8,9
26-4 33-13
- Rosser, J(ohn) Barkley
- 3-9 4-5
5-8,10,15 7-12,13
8-13 11-5,8,9,15,16
- 22-9 24-8,9
26-4 33-13
- Rourke, Robert E.K., (Bob)
- 5-2 23-2,3,6
- Ruark, Arthur
- 1-2
- Russell, Bertrand
- 5-2 23-2,3,6
- Russell, Henry Norris
- 15-13 29-2
- Salveson, Mel
- 11-22
- Savage, L(eonard) J(immie)
- 14-9
- Schauder, J.
- 14-9
- Schmeiser, Mabel, [wife of J.L. Barnes]
- 11-3 25-11
- Schmidt, [at Marburg]
- 23-6
- Schmucker, [founder of Gettysburg Theological Seminary]
- 9-11
- Schoenberg, I(saac) J.
- 26-4
- Scholz, [at Muenster]
- 23-6
- Schouten, J(an) A(rnoldus)
- 8-4 24-13
- Schuette, [at Marburg]
- 23-6
- Schultz, [Canadian teacher of German]
- 38-5
- Schur, Issai
- 6-7 44-7
- Schwarzschild, Martin
- 15-3
- Segal, l(rving) E(zra)
- 7-15 41-8
- Seitz, Fred(erick)
- 1-47,9,1113 44-3,4
- Severi
- 28-3
- Shannon, Claude
- 11-22,23
- Shapiro, Herb
- 13-1
- Shapiro, Norman
- 5-8
- Shapley, Lloyd
- 31-10 39-6
- Sharp, William
- 2-7
- Sheffer, H.M.
- 5-7
- Shelton, Bill
- 7-15
- Sherman, Al
- 42-7
- Shewhart, W.A.
- 7-4
- Shields, Margaret, [Bunny]
- 7-8 12-12,15
30-46 42-5
- Shockley, William Bradford
- 1-6,12
- Shortley, George
- 11-13,14 24-13
- Siegel, C(arl) L(udwig)
- 11-13,14 24-13
- Sierpinski, Waclaw
- 6-16 14-6
- Sillick, F.H., Jr.
- 29-8,11
- Singer, James
- 24-8 29-8
- Singleton, Robert R.
- 3-7 11-16,22
- Skolem, Albert Thoralf
- 5-7
- Slater, John C.
- 1-5,6
- Sloan, Alfred P.
- 30-19
- Sly, John F.
- 11-17
- Smith, Alexander
- 15-17
- Smith, C.
- 38-3
- Smith, Harry W.
- 29-9,11
- Smith, Jim, [statistician, economist]
- 7-11 9-5
- Smith, Paul A(Ithaus)
- 5-4 6-16
14-2 29-5
33-7,9 36-9
- Smithies, Frank
- 14-9 41-9,16
- Snapper, Ernst
- 11-6,7 21-2,3
- Snedecor, George Waddel
- 7-2,3 41-12
- Snyder, Virgil
- 16-5
- Sobczyk, Andrew
- 16-5
- Speed, Terence P., (Terry)
- 39-1
- Spencer, Don(ald) C.
- 11-21 39-2,11
40-2 43-2
- Sperner, E.
- 38-13
- Spitzer, Lyman
- 16-8 41-9
- Stacey, Charles
- 45-12,15
- Steenrod, Norman (Earl)
- 3-2,3,6 8-3
11-16 17-4
25-2 27-3
30-20 31-11
33-7 36-9
- Stehle, Philip
- 2-7
- Stepanek, Orrin
- 11-1,2
- Sterne, Theodore Eugene
- 15-4
- Stone, Arthur
- 13-5 14-3
- Stone, Marshall H(arvey)
- 6-16 14-30
18-14 25-3,5
- Stone, Ormond
- 29-5 32-1,2
- Stueckelberger
- 12-8
- Synge, J(ohn) L(ighton)
- 3-12 18-2
- Tain, John, [pseudonym of E.T. Bell for science fiction]
- 12-2
- Tamarkin, Jakob D.
- 4-1 6-18
12-10 41-1
- Tarski, Alfred
- 12-13 33-6
- Taub, Abraham Haskel
- 1-9 12-13
15-9 20-9
24-8,10 26-4
- Taylor, Angus E. [wife Patsy]
- 12-13 33-6
- Taylor, Hugh (Scott)
- 14-39 29-13
- Taylor, Wendell
- 45-12,15
- Teller, Edward
- 15-10
- Temple, Shirley
- 17-2
- Thomas, J(oseph) M.
- 10-15 14-8
29-5 33-4
- Thomas, Lewelkyn H.
- 15-4
- Thomas, Norman
- 35-1
- Thomas, T(racy) Y(erkes)
- 3-12 5-4
7-1,5 8-6
9-2 10-14,15
12-14 14-8,36,37
- 18-4 20-4
24-26 26-2
27-2 29-5,7,8
- 33-4,9,10 35-16,17,2022
36-8 37-11
42-3 45-3,4,13
- Thompson, H. B.
- 31-22 35-12
- Thompson, Sylvanus
- 38-4
- Thue, Axel
- 8-15
- Titt, E(dwin) Warren), (Ed)
- 11-4,16 24-4,8
26-1,4 29-8
31-16 35-21
40-5 41-7
- Tompkins, C(harles) B., (Tommy), [wife Polly]
- 6-17 7-5
11-4,10 14-41
17-2 31-20
35-10,20 41-17
- Traber, Ralph
- 17-1 45-16
- Trichel, Colonel
- 41-8
- Trowbridge, Mrs., [wife of the Dean of the Graduate College]
- 6-14
- Tucker, Alan, [son of Albert Tucker]
- 41-5
- Tucker, Albert W.
- 1-4 3-1,4
4-2 5-13
7-5 8-3,10,16
9-4 21-2,5
26-1,4 45-36,114
- Tucker, Thomas, [son of Albert Tucker]
- 31-11
- Tuckerman, Bryant
- 2-6 3-5,11
6-11,12 7-7
9-2 11-21,22
14-9,10 16-4,8
- 21-5 31-9,10,13
32-9 33-7
36-4 39-1,8
- Tukey, John W.
- 2-6 3-5,11
6-11,12 7-7
9-2 11-21,22
14-9,10 16-4,8
- 21-5 31-9,10,13
32-9 33-7
36-4 39-1,8
- Turing, Alan M.
- 5-10,11 8-5
11-23 16-7
17-2 22-9,10
23-12,13 33-12
- 36-5 44-5
- Turkevich, John
- 11-16 44-9
- Ulam, Stan
- 11-9 18-3
22-4 23-20
- Urey, Harold Clayton
- 15-13
- Urysohn, Paul S.
- 6-6,7
- Vallee Poussin, Charles-Jean de la
- 3-14 31-3
- van Danzig
- 23-12
- Vanderslice, J(ohn) L(ivezey)
- 1-10 11-4,9,16
14-11 18-7
24-8,11,14 26-4
29-11 42-4
- van der Waerden, B.L.
- 3-4 14-38
31-7 33-12
- Vandiver, H.S., [at Texas]
- 3-4 12-10-12
- van Kampen, E(gbertus) R.
- 6-7
- Van Vleck, J(ohn) H.
- 1-1,2,5,6,10 3-1,8
- Veblen, Oswald
- 1-9,11,13 2-5,11,12
3-12 4-1,4
5-14,8,13-15 6-13,79
- 7-1,35 8-13,68
9-2,4,8 10-1,2,4,1013
- 12-111,14 14-5,7,8,1113,1521,2325,3135,38,41,45
- 15-17,10,11,13,14,18 16-5 18-3,7-9
- 23-4,5,12,14,16,19,20,22 24-2,7,9,11,14 25-2,4,5,816
- 26-2 29-28,1115
30-2,7,8,1113,15,17,20 31-3,17
- 33-16,9,10,1214 34-1,69 35-25,1013,16,18,2023
- 36-3,8,9 37-13,611
- 40-35,9,10 42-3,7 43-1,3
44-8 45-6,8
- Veblen, Mrs. Oswald, [wife of 0. Veblen]
- 12-6,8,9 14-33
25-14 30-11
35-12 40-9
- Veblen, Thorstein
- 7-3 29-4
- Villavaso, E.J.
- 3-2
- von Karman, Theodor
- 34-2 35-19
- von Neumann, John
- 1-3,4,810,12 2-2,3,5,6,8,9 3-1,5,7
4-24,6 5-9,14
- 8-35,9,10,12 9-5,7,8 10-9
11-5,911,14 12-11
- 14-1,13,17,18,20-23,26,2830,33,34,44
- 15-1,3,613,15,16,18 18-2,3,514 20-4,12
- 22-4,5,7,8 23-35,710,21
24-13 25-24,8,15
- 27-4 28-3
29-7,9,13,15 30-8,12,17
- 33-10,14 34-15,7,8
35-17,18,20 36-3,5
- 38-15,17,18,20 39-57 40-7
42-7,10 44-13,7-10
- 45-8,11,14
- von Neumann, Mrs. John, [wife of J. von Neumann]
- 13-6 14-44,45
- Votaw, David
- 41-7,14
- Wald, Abraham
- 4-5 6-6
8-13 10-10
11-16 14-41
18-8 24-8,12,13
- 29-11 33-7,10
34-3 35-23
38-12 40-6
- Walker, R(obert) J(ohn), (Bob)
- 4-5 6-6
8-13 10-10
11-16 14-41
18-8 24-8,12,13
- 29-11 33-7,10
34-3 35-23
38-12 40-6
- Wallis, W. Allen
- 7-13
- Wallman, Henry, (Hank)
- 3-2 14-12,43
17-3 33-7,9
36-3 41-14
- Walsh, Joe
- 3-8 33-11
- Ward, Morgan
- 11-13,14
- Watleys, Charles
- 20-1
- Webber, William) J.
- 18-2 38-4
- Wedderburn, J(ohn) H(enry) M(aclagan)
- 3-4 5-3,4
7-5,9 8-1,6,13,14
9-2,6,8 10-5
- 12-2 14-35,3739
20-2,3,5 21-2,3
22-2,3 23-18
- 25-10 26-2
27-2,3 28-2,3
29-5,7,8 30-2,15
31-7,15,17 32-2
- 33-1012 36-10 37-2,10
38-18,19 42-3
43-5 45-3,8,11
- Weierstrass, Karl
- 38-6
- Weil, Andre
- 6-11 8-12
- Wentzel, Gregor
- 2-4
- West, Andrew, [dean at Princeton]
- 42-1,2
- Weyl, Hella, [wife of H. Weyl]
- 15-16
- Weyl, Hermann
- 1-3,10,12 2-3
3-1,12 4-4
6-7 7-8
8-4,5 9-7,8
10-9 11-12,13
- 12-8,11 14-2,9,2022,29,33,38,41
15-1318 16-5
18-13 20-9,12
- 21-4 23-8,22
24-13,15 25-12,13,15
29-8,15 30-17
- 33-12 34-25,7,8
35-18,19 36-5
37-2,8,9 38-17
- 41-16,17 42-7
44-7 45-5,8,13,14
- Weyl, (Fritz) Joachim, (Joe), [son of Hermann Weyl]
- 8-16 15-15
16-6 41-6
- Weyl, Michael, [son of Hermann Weyl]
- 15-16 45-14
- Wheeler, John Archibald
- 2-3 9-9
11-10 31-20
- White, Milton (Grandison)
- 2-9
- Whitehead, Alfred North
- 5-2 23-2,3,6
- Whitehead, J(ohn) H(enry) C(onstantine)
- 8-5,6 11-3
12-9 14-8
20-6 24-8,9,12
25-10 29-10
- 37-6 38-10
41-17 42-4
44-5 45-2,3,6
- Whitney, D. Ransom
- 13-3 16-2
- Whitney, Hassler
- 6-10 8-3,5
11-9,22 24-11
25-2,3 30-14
33-7 38-17
- Whyburn, Lucille, [wife of W.M. Whyburn]
- 40-16,17
- Whyburn, W.M.
- 40-5 43-5
- Wicks, [Dean of the Chapel at Princeton]
- 45-16
- Widder, David Vernon, (Dave)
- 33-11
- Wiener, Norbert
- 8-3 11-12,22
15-7,11 33-9,11
- Wightman, Arthur (Strong)
- 2-6 9-7
- Wigner, Eugene P.
- 1-46,8-10,12 2-3,4,7,9 7-5
8-3,5 9-10
- 15-3,10 18-2
20-5,12,13 29-7,9,13,15
30-12 32-5
- 34-1 35-17
36-10 37-8,11
- Wilcox, L(qe) R(oy)
- 14-17
- Wilder, Ray(mond) L.
- 6-1,2 8-15
29-10 33-7
- Wilks, S(amuel) S., (Sam), [wife Gina]
- 3-1,2,57,912 6-10 7-19,1116
9-2,4,5 11-12,16-19
- 16-2 21-5
27-2,4,5 31-22
32-6,7 33-10,1416
- 39-4 41-6,7,9-14
- Williams, John
- 3-3,6 6-10
7-13 41-7
- Wilson, Robert Lee
- 8-4
- Wilson, Woodrow
- 9-1 14-44
29-2,3,5 30-1
35-22 37-1
- Winger
- 14-14
- Winsor, Charles, [wife Agnes]
- 3-11 41-2,3,7,12-14
- Wintner, Aurel
- 14-10 39-9
- Wolfenden
- 45-10
- Wolfowitz, Jack
- 7-3,7
- Wood, Marshall
- 11-21
- Woolf, Harry
- 20-12
- Wylie, Shaun
- 13-4 16-7
22-9 41-6
- Yates, Frank
- 41-13
- Yerushalmy, Jacob
- 11-9 33-7
- Young, Gail
- 13-5 40-16
- Young, J(ohn) W(esley)
- 14-19 29-2
33-3 37-1
- Zariski, Oscar
- 18-12
- Zassenhaus
- 21-3,4
- Zelinsky, Daniel
- 6-10
- Zener, Clarence
- 1-10
- Zippin, Leo
- 6-9,12 8-3
11-16 20-10
33-7 43-4
The Princeton Mathematics Community in the 1930s