dr bob photos:
MG11 Frei Universität
Berlin July 23-29 2006
photos by dr bob and his four year old Kodak DX3600 digital camera (can't make up his mind to
most of the targeted people belong to ICRA/ICRANet/G9.
at the Ritz-Carlton conference banquet July 26:
men and women at work (the 2006 ICRANet fab 5 are federica, gilda, veronica,
vic and cesare.):
- DCP_2319.jpg bob, ani, claes
- DCP_2320.jpg claes, ani, bob
- DCP_2321.jpg gilda, costantino
- DCP_2322.jpg kjell and david hestenes
- DCP_2326.jpg ani, gilda, costantino
- DCP_2328.jpg gilda, costantino, ani and
Berlin love bears
- DCP_2332.jpg costantino, gilda, veronica, ani,
andrea, christian
- DCP_2333.jpg costantino, gilda, bob,
veronica, ani, andrea
- DCP_2335.jpg cesare, vic
- DCP_2336.jpg smilely bob, cesare, vic
- DCP_2340.jpg bob, michael
- DCP_2342.jpg hagen, anne
- DCP_2345.jpg fulvio, bob
- DCP_2343.jpg remo, don page
- DCP_2344.jpg juergen, ani, bob together for
the first time in one place since the
ani-bob wedding 1991
(15 minutes was better than nothing)