Please email bob [Robert Jantzen]
with subject header (choose your section number):

Subject: Mat2500-001 LastName, FirstNames (Nickname if different), cell-phone, ThreeletterDormAbbreviation
Subject: Mat2500-003 LastName, FirstNames (Nickname if different), cell-phone, ThreeletterDormAbbreviation

Example (where "OFF" means "offcampus"):
Subject: Mat2500-001 Jantzen, Robert T (bob), 610-716-0356, OFF
Subject: Mat2500-003 Jantzen, Robert T (bob), 610-716-0356, OFF

The dorm abbreviations are listed on the page:

In the body of the email tell me briefly your previous math classes here at Villanova (Mat1500?, Mat1505?, Mat2705?) and how comfortable you feel using math itself and with Maple, why you chose your major, and anything you want to let me know about yourself.

Attach to your email a PDF file with filename LastName-FirstName.pdf which you create by printing or saving your "Student Class Schedule by Day and Time" webpage in MyNova to a pdf document.

Please do this within 24 hours so that I can assemble a roster with your nicknames which we will use in class attendence roll call.