Marcel Grossmann (MG) Meeting
Proceedings Front/Back Matter Macros:
File History
1995-2011: MG7-MG12
2012-2017: MG13,
   MG14: e-proceedings (author index discontinued)
2018: M15 e-proceedings
2021: MG16 e-proceedings

Explanation of LaTeX based Package  [2008 MG11 files] [2011 MG12 files]

This file indicates the various files used in the production of the World Scientific Proceedings front/back matter and author contributions, with LATEX or PLAIN TEX. These were written by an amateur tex user (bob) for MG7 since the existing macros from the publisher at the time were either inadequate or inexistent. [The publisher wasted an inch of page space at the bottom of every page because of inadequate communication to the editors.] While the situation improved by MG8 for the author macros [with the extra inch utilized!], these publishing macros now available from World Scientific for author contributions, the files here are necessary for all meetings since the front/back matter requires special handling. For a really large proceedings like this 3 volume set of MG meetings, the table of contents file is the main organizing document which in draft mode links the table of contents article listings to the filenumbering system used by our robot software which allows upload of documents to the meeting proceedings database.

Note: all filenames are actually lowercase on the server. The MG11 files illustrate the various frontmatter and backmatter tasks.

important links:

CONTENTS [procs/mg11index.htm]
1) The proceedings style files for the general typesetting [now provided by World Scientific Proceedings Macro Site; we use the 9.75" x 6.50" latex2e macro file ws-p975x650.cls (see below, we eliminate the inch of white space above the title on the first page) ]
2) The front matter:
   a) title page up to table of contents [mg11front.tex]
   b) the table of contents [mg11toc.tex, data input files]
3) The back matter:
   a) participant (with perhaps just city, country info) list [mg11participantslist.tex]
   b) author index (with page numbers of articles) [mg11authorindex.tex]

Should anyone make improvements to any of these macros (okay, a useless wish),
please inform me:



this file (old version):

front matter before table of contents:
MG7FRONT.TEX 25 29-JUN-1995 [with procs.sty]

MG8FRONT.TEX 1998 [with mprocl.sty latex2.09]
[this LATEX file generates the front matter up to the table of contents file]

MG9FRONT.TEX 2002 [with ws-p9-75x6-50.cls latex2e->latex]
[this LATEX file generates the front matter up to the table of contents file; the filename indicates the physical page dimensions in inches; Vittorio generates this file from the proceedings database]

preliminary output file: mg9front.pdf

MG10FRONT.TEX 2005 [with ws-p975x650.cls]

preliminary output file:  mg10front.pdf

mg11front.tex 2007 TO DO

table of contents macro file and generator:

MG7TOC.TEX 16 2-JUL-1995
[this file contains the PLAIN TEX table of contents generator using as input files containing the author, title, number of pages information from the contributed papers]

Now updated to LATEX2e -> LaTeX:  [zip contents]
MG9TOC.TEX  21-JUL-2001 [to open as text file: mg9toc-tex.txt]

Plenary and Parallel Session separator pages for mg9:

example input files for author/title/page info:

 [explanation ; failed attempt to get Vittorio to output the raw data, so bob blasted into the xls spreadsheet by himself]:
mg10/ in progress [raw input: mg10contributionlist.xls][test pdf: mg10/mg10toc.pdf]
once edited initially, sessions can be reordered in sections by cut and paste, session group pages can be added if desired as in the grouping of sessions on the web page program



Note that each paper contribution article must have a title, author(s), number of page entry in each session section; here is a parallel section title and entry from MG7par1.tex   (the first) and MG9plenaryparallel.tex  (the second) [the robot must supply this information from the interactive form each author fills out for each contribution, with a check on the actual number of tex pages used, and it must be extracted from the database by Vittorio:

\session{Exact Solutions}{V. Belinsky}

Exact (3+1)-Dimensional Gravitational Soliton Solutions of the Einstein Equation\\
Chi Au, Li-Zhi Fang, F.T. To
2 307

Exact (3+1)-Dimensional Gravitational Soliton Solutions of the Einstein Equation\\
Au, Chi; Fang, Li-Zhi; To, F.T.
2 519

On the last line the first number is the total number of pages, the second number is the file ID number. Symbols which are no able to be entered in the export file can be replaced by another symbol which won't appear anywhere else, and then later replaced by a global edit. Will "\" and "@" both work? I forget.

Author names which have unhyphenated multiple last names (South America) require a tie "~" between the last names to keep them one string delimited by a space on the left and a comma on the right; for multiple authors, do not use "and" before the last author.

2007 Author List Convention Change:

This was an attempt to cure the last names problem and make it easier to create a last name alphabetized index. It is also important to use as complete a name as possible for internet search engines to locate people from articles. The old days of first name abbreviations only is past.

Submitting Author:
      in format: FamilyName_for_Indexing, RemainingNames
      where the LastNames = family names are appropriate for an alphabetized index
      entry beginning with the single dominant family name when multiple family names exist
Full Author list:
      in format: FamilyName_for_Indexing1, RemainingNames1;  FamilyName_for_Indexing2, RemainingNames2; etc

Calcio Nuovo, Sebastiano; Jantzen, Robert T.; Fang, Li-Zhi

The preliminary table of contents file: mg9toc.pdf

unordered author index file: (produced by mg7toc.tex):

MG table of contents generated author index MG13 2014

The MG table of contents Latex file mgxxtoc.tex when run on the input data for the table of contents generates a text file mgxxtocal.txt author list with one line per cited author, followed by the page number, in comma separated form, but with a leading space before secondary authors.

This space should be removed by editing the latex macro file, BUT I am not easily able to do this, whereas Select All, and Pasting into MS Word allows one to Replace the string ^p " by "^p" globally, save and paste Select All back into the text file mgxxtocal2.csv, with the comma separated spreadshead file extension. For some reason the end of line \\ gets transformed to \\,, or \\, so the commas must be removed by a global substitution.

Open this in Excel and order AtoZ on the first column, then save as mgxxtocal2.txt.

Once the page numbers are definite at the publisher, one has to edit multiple occurrences of last name authors, which are not alphabetized on the successive names and so may be mixed if there are multiple occurrences of a last name with different first names. Each distinct author should then be edited down to one line, eliminating repetitions of the full name so that all page numbers are on the same line separated by commas after that full name.

Some Latex accents like \" get translated into extra "..." surrounding the name for some reason, and must be edited by hand to fix this. Last names starting with a Latex accent must be alphabetized by hand, appearing at the beginning of the file.

Then typeset with mgxxauthorindex.tex to achieve the two column author index for the backmatter

Ignore past instructions.

MG7TOCAL.LIS 39 2-JUL-1995  -> mg9tocal.lis
[this Author List file is produced by the plain tex table of
contents macros, listing each author, and the start page number
of the corresponding article in the proceedings.
this file must then be edited by hand to put multiple authors
on separate lines with their page numbers, and then sorted
alphabetically putting the last name first by a simple unix
command, with some clean up polishing of the result]

some comments about editing .lis before sorting:

2007: much easier with new lastname conventions

Calcio Nuovo, Sebastiano; Jantzen, Robert T.; Fang, Li-Zhi

after first authors, a leading space appears in the output line for following authors
in mg11al.txt.
Open in MS Word and substitute "^p<space>" by "^p" to remove,
otherwise the space interferes with the ordering in Excel.
Paste into Excel, do AtoZ ordering (by last name).
Select All, Copy, Paste into txt file.

Then do hand editing for multiple author names.

MG7AL.DOC 2 20-JUN-1995 (may not be necessary...)
to produce
MG7TOCAL2.LIS -> (did not do this step for mg9)

with unix program "sortit2" on unix box for  mg7 (authors: Firstname Lastname):
one line unix program:
sed 's/^\(.*\) \([^ ]*, \)/\2 \1, /g' | sort -d

2005: mg10/
mg10tocal.txt: Firstnames Lastname, xxx
mg10tocal2.txt: Lastname, Firstnames, xxx
after editing mg10tocal.txt by hand to replace " ," by "," "\c {" by "\c{", " }" by "}", "\\" by ""
then do:
$ cat mg10tocal.txt | sed 's/^\(.*\) \([^ ]*, \)/\2 \1, /g' | sort > mg10tocal2.txt

but "sortit" for mg9 (authors Lastname, Firstname):
sed 's/^\(.*\) \([^ ]*, \)/\2: \1 \2/g' | sort | sed 's/^.* ://g'

to produce:
MG7TOCAL3.TEX -> mg9tocal3.tex (preliminary; final page numbers not correct)

then edit to collapse duplicate names and order same last
name entries and page numbers (3 hours work for MG7)

format author index with:

MG7AUTHORINDEX.TEX -> mg9authorindex.tex
[this is a PLAIN TEX file which formats the author index into
two column output for photoreproduction;
now uses the package multicol with the standard latex2e proceedings macros]

preliminary output file: mg9authorindex.pdf (page numbers not correct yet)

to generate the participant (institution address) list:

macro file:
[this file does the typesetting]
updated to the WS latex macro style:
12 pages double column [lastname, firstname  country] 920 participants

list file:
[this is the input file containing the data]

mg10participantslist.tex 2005-may-27 in above

mg11: mg11participantslist.tex

\@ Lastnames, First Names ; Institution ; Country
\@ Abdalla, Elcio  ; Universidade de Sao Paulo ; Brazil\\
\@ Abraham, Zulema  ; IAG/USP ; Brazil\\
\@ Abramowicz, Marek  ; Chalmers University ; Sweden\\
\@ Aguiar, Odilyo  ; INPE ; Brazil\\
\@ Aharonian, Felix  ; Max-Planck Inst.\ fur Kernphysik ; Germany\\
\@ Ahn, Eun-Joo  ; University of Chicago ; USA\\

general formatting macros:

OVERCITE.STY 15 13-NOV-1991 for world sci style footnotes
PROCS.STY 26 19-SEP-1994 the LATEX author macros
PROCSPLAIN.TEX 27 19-SEP-1994 the PLAIN TEX author macros

MG7LA.TEX;30 17 25-OCT-1994 the author LATEX instructions
MG7PLAIN.TEX;32 16 the author PLAIN TEX instructions

incorporated into front matter?:
MG7AWARDS.TEX 15 26-MAR-1995


The latest WS Latex 9.75x6.5 in (physical page dimensions) format macros:
ws-procs975x65.cls [2004]

MG16. no author index.

The MG IT team of Vittorio Vannini and Bob Jantzen who managed the abstracts/program/proceedings submissions (using robot software written by a physics student in 1999 but never updated)  since MG9 (2000) have retired from active MG service, hanging on only to produce the long delayed proceedings from MG15.

In order to use the organizing document to match zipped archives of article submission files or single PDF files (World Scientific needs to agree on how to accept compuscripts), which when run through LaTeX produces the table of contents of the proceedings, each submission must be assigned an ID number. Then as long as a text file in the following format is produced, that process can go forward:

\session{Exact Solutions}{V. Belinsky}

Exact (3+1)-Dimensional Gravitational Soliton Solutions of the Einstein Equation\\
Chi Au, Li-Zhi Fang, F.T. To
2 307

Exact (3+1)-Dimensional Gravitational Soliton Solutions of the Einstein Equation\\
Au, Chi; Fang, Li-Zhi; To, F.T.
2 519

On the last line the first number is the total number of pages, the second number is the file ID number. The compuscript files should use the ID number as the filename. Both the page number and ID can be suppressed by the LaTeX macros. Normally the ID number is suppressed but the actual page numbers are no longer needed. Kah-Fee will have to answer that since the MG14 e-proceedings uses page numbers because a small number of paper editings were produced.

Details must be confirmed with World Scientific editor Ng Kah-Fee, who has worked with Bob Jantzen for most of this century on MG proceedings. It may be that they can bypass this step altogether. Kah-Fee, what do you suggest?

 World Scientific MG Proceedings Summary Pages: []

16-apr-2021: bob jantzen