MG11ICC: what is it?

The International Coordinating Committee for the MG Meetings helps gather input for the planning of the scientific program and facilitates the attendance of participants from each nation where work in this broad field of science is done.

Coordination of travel funding requests from the participants’ country of origin or making the local organizing committee aware of visa requirements appropriate to a given country are two country specific activities that members of this committee should handle. In countries with multiple members, these latter activities if necessary would of course be shared. In the USA for example, NSF travel fund application will be arranged through mutual agreement with the International Organizing Committee and a volunteer. It is also important for ICC members to let us know how we can help the scientists of their country in attending the meeting. In general for most ICC members, participation in this committee amounts to an organized way for us to gather input from you for scientific program suggestions via email.

The three key pieces of information we need to function are:

  1. Your full name, with some indication of your last name(s) and first names, which can be confusing with multiple traditions for multiple last names (South America: Brazil versus the rest in forming multiple last names and hyphenating them or not) or Asian names where name order is reversed. Here is a way of making clear the distinction
    FullLastNames, FullFirstNamesPlusInitials:
    Jantzen, Robert T.
    Fang, Li-Zhi
    Bersaglia-Perez, Santiago
    Perez Luna, Elizabetta
    Note: with your full name, if you have a presence on the internet, we can find you with a search tool even if years pass between meetings and your email address changes. [To make the author index to the MG Proceedings, this  ambiguity in the normal name order is a nightmare.]
  2. Your current email address:
  3. Your complete mailing address which is necessary for us to send you about 4 meeting posters when they are made for local distribution in your country or local area in your country or perhaps your university, depending on the circumstances:
    Robert T. Jantzen
    Dept of Mathematical Sciences
    Villanova University
    800 Lancaster Ave
    Villanova, PA 19085-1699 USA