Dear Member of the Marcel Grossmann International Coordinating Committee,

In early September the first MG11 poster will be printed and distributed.
We would appreciate a reply to this email message confirming that your name
listed in the right column under this committee is correct and any other feedback
you consider appropriate.

The current proof of the poster (1.3MEG PDF file) and the slightly corrected
text from it are: and

A quick reply to this email will confirm for us that you are receiving our email.
The first MG11ICC email was sent out April 21, 2005.

Thanks for your cooperation, without which this volunteer organization facilitating
the MG meetings would not be possible. We are trying to smooth out the Russian
Visa application process for participants and arrange the bureaucratic details of
meeting facilities and hotels in a country that is not known for its bureaucratic efficiency.
Your eventual help this coming year in developing the scientific program as well as
bringing our attention to country specific complications for participants is crucial.
We welcome at this time any suggestions you may have for the scientific program,
with regard to scientists from your own or other countries, and would appreciate
being informed of any countries that might have particular needs with regard to the
Russian visa.

All my best,
Bob Jantzen
chairperson, International Coordinating Committee for MG11
St Petersburg, Russia, July 2-8, 2006

conference website:
all conference email: [please use subject heading wisely to help us]