=       Plenary Speaker Notice                                            
=       MG11                       
=       11th Marcel Grossmann Meeting 
=            on General Relativity
=       July 23-29, 2006                            
=       Freie Universitaet               
=       Berlin, Germany
=       http://www.icra.it/MG/mg11
=       mg11@icra.it

Dear Plenary Speaker,

This is just a program update.
It is important that all plenary speakers perform the first registration step to be 
inserted into the participant database. This is done on-line at the Meeting website.
The second step in registration is to submit talk titles and abstracts using the MG11
Identification Number issued in the first step of the registration process. Please submit 
these on-line yourself. [This material may be updated later by email to the Meeting 
email address with Subject Heading "MG11 Abstract Update".] 
3) APPROXIMATE DATES of arrival and departure.
Please be sure to include your expected dates of arrival and departure in the 
first step registration process so we can arrange for your hotel stay during the Meeting.
If you need to change these later, you can do so by an appropriate email to the Meeting
email address.
Please send us web links to your own work and possibly other sources that support 
the topic on which you will be speaking, to be included on the plenary program web pages. 
A link to your academic home page, provided it has research links, could serve this purpose.
[This may be sent to the Meeting email address with Subject Heading 
"MG11 plenary talk links".]
It is also important that you coordinate your topic with the relevant parallel session 
chairperson so that the parallel session program can reinforce the plenary program
as much as possible. If you think an additional parallel session is necessary, you may
suggest a title and chairperson (including yourself) who might organize it.
Being an invited plenary speaker entitles you to a waiver of the registration fee and/or 
payment of your local expenses and/or transportation costs. However, if you can find a way 
to partially fund some of these expenses through your own institution or travel funds, this 
would be greatly appreciated due to the need to support young and senior scientists from 
Eastern European and developing countries. The Max Planck Society has already generously
agreed to pay the registration fee and expenses for all of its own members who are invited 
speakers in order to help support the meeting. Please let us know at your earliest convenience 
your estimated expenses that will require our funding commitment, so that we can plan our 
budget. If indeed you will contribute by paying the registration fee, please pay on-line by 
May 31.
We are looking forward to seeing you in July.

Our best regards,

Hagen Kleinert [mg11@physik.fu-berlin.de]
chairperson of the Local Organizing Committee

Remo Ruffini [ruffini@icra.it]
chairperson of the International Organizing Committee

Robert Jantzen [robert.jantzen@villanova.edu]
chairperson of the International Coordinating Committee